Nintendo Stars! Important Information


Nintendo Encyclopedia
Nov 22, 2006
England, UK
This was sent to me today, in short you NEED to accept the new privay policy (follow the link below) or otherwise you will lose all your stars.

This suggest that around the 15th July we will be able to use Stars to buy WiiPoints!


All new Stars earnt will now have to be used within 24 months.

All current Stars will now have to be used within 12 months.

Read for details - Hope people in the UK find useful!!

Dear Nintendo fan,

At Nintendo we respect the privacy rights of our online visitors and we recognise the importance of protecting your personal details. To allow us to implement additional features on our website, to improve our products and to adapt them to our users’ needs and preferences, we need your permission to gather information about your online activities on our web site and with Nintendo’s products..

Please review our new Privacy Policy by clicking on this link and logging in to your account. Once you have read the information on that page, please use the appropriate buttons to either ACCEPT or DECLINE this new Privacy Policy.

Please note that if we haven’t received your answer by July 15, 2007, or if you choose to DECLINE our new Privacy Policy, you will from that day onwards no longer be able to use your Stars in the Stars Catalogue, as we will be forced to deactivate your Nintendo membership. No matter what you decide, you can still use your Stars and enjoy all the other benefits of the Nintendo membership account until July 15, 2007.

Also note that when you continue your Nintendo membership, from now on your Stars will automatically expire 24 months after they were added to your profile. Stars you have earned before the introduction of the new Terms and Conditions expire 12 months after the introduction of the new Terms and Conditions, which will not occur until June 1, 2008.

However, you will soon be able to swap your Stars for Wii Points in the Stars Catalogue if you linked your Wii Shop Channel account to your online Nintendo membership.

We look forward to seeing you again on our website soon, and hope you will enjoy the new generation in videogaming together with us!

Your Nintendo team
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meh **** happens lol! Well it's possibly the most useful information we've received from Nintendo in ages!
Just for the record, information on the website states this email has only been sent to members who signed up before 8 December 2006. I was wondering why I hadn't received this email myself; I signed up at the beginning of this year when I got my Wii.

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