Nintendo Recieves Low Score from Greenpeace.

sagema said:
I was told Greenpeace hates Japan and France. France tried to do some nuclear testing and Greenpeace got in the way. I heard some of them were gunned down and have held a grudge ever since. Nintendo has a few factories in France. Coincidence? Greenpeace has crazy methods, a bit extreme. I was told this long ago. The human race is righteous in all the wrong ways.

And Japan is a big fan of seafood. Greenpeace is a fan too, except they like their seafood to not be food.

France's nuclear program, ironically enough, is a massive carbon emissions saver. If the US developed nuclear power on the same scale as France has, we would today put 2,200,000,000 tons less carbon into the atmosphere--beating kyoto requirements by 15%. Why haven't we pursued it? Greenpeace and company.
I couldn't be arsed to give flying fig about the environment. Then I met a really sexy environmental scientist. So perhaps I care now...a little.
But still, wtf?
newguy7 said:
It's people! Wii consoles are made of people!!!! ARRRRGGH!!!

(cookies to those who can tell what movie i'm ripping that off from)

Soylent Green, (sp)
I wish we could hear more from scientists and less from fanatics, politicians and big business about the dangers of chemicals.

It's like the USA threw away science for lunacy sometimes. I can't talk about evolution or the beginning of the universe in front of some people. They get all religious and don't even know what section of the bible it came from, or even the fact they misquote it.
sagema said:
It's like the USA threw away science for lunacy sometimes. I can't talk about... the beginning of the universe in front of some people.

You still think that the universe "began"? :yikes:

I wish we could hear more from scientists and less from fanatics, politicians and big business about the dangers of chemicals.

These days, a lot of professional scientists are fanatics, politically motivated, or tools of industry. If you mean scientists as in someone who speaks impartially from the perspective of evidence, well, yeah, that'd be nice.

But the truth is professional scientists as a whole have always been pursuing their own agendas. Einstein was so deadset against Quantum Mechanics and was so blinded by his distaste for the theory that he created an argument in the Bohr-Einstein debates that ignored part his own theory of relativity.

Sure in the end, everyone's agenda works out to provide tests and trials for theories that do eventually survive, and decades later they can talk about those theories impartially, but in the moment it's just a bunch of people with agendas and without an ounce of impartiality.
Personally, I think people should leave politics and such out of this discussion. Talk of anti-hippie's and anti-communism seems merely a token of popular western opinion and shouldn't be said without things to back it up, and this thread is not the place. If you want to continue to discuss it, I think you should open it up into a new thread.

But ye, the study only goes to damage Greenpeace for it's poor research rather than Nintendo.
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Well now...

Celeste said:
I couldn't be arsed to give flying fig about the environment. Then I met a really sexy environmental scientist. So perhaps I care now...a little.
But still, wtf?

You'll care when you can't breath anymore and your skys turn grey from air pollution, And anyone who's anti-hippie is pretty close minded, do you know what hippies are about? peace,love,free will. If everyone in this world thought like you. It'd be way more of a hellhole than it really is *sighs shamefully*

Greenpeace isn't out to make friends cause they don't have many. But I can't agree with anyone getting a score of 0 from lack of evidence, they should've waited till they got some more evidence before they posted that article...

Or is it a conspiracy to get people to stop playing video games and go outside and play? who knows?
Hmmm, I can see a very heated discussion about the environment in this thread in the near future.
Greenpeace is a group of fanatics who are going about their "job" the wrong way. Don't get me wrong, I do care about the environment, but they take it too far sometimes. Unfortunately as it is, politics don't work, and if they use force then they will be told off by the government for doing it, telling them to leave it to the (dysfunctional) government.
Nintendo is fine, they should choose some of the bigger companies that are undoubtedly doing worse than Nintendo.
I live in Australia, and Rudd just signed the Kyoto protocol, so the Americans have nothing on us!!:lol:

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