I'm pretty sure the Wii will work online just as the DS does. In that you can play with people you have exchanged friend codes (specific to each game) with AND also a open and/or random person battles.
Thats how most of the online games for the DS work. A good example is Starfox Command, in that when you go online you can select to play against a friend, play in an "all against all" battle of random people or you can play against "rivals" i.e, people who have a similar skill level to you that are also online.
I can see why people would like a "lobby" type area to find people to play against them (as i believe xboxlive does), but looking at it from nintendo's perspective i can't see it happening.
As a brand Nintendo has a very child friendly image, whereas M$ and $ony brands are pitched and percieved to be for higher age groups (see GTA/Manhunt/rape & murder everyone in the world with a rusty chainsaw/etc).
With the Wii and the DS they are trying to re-establish their brand as one for all ages and abilities - and its working! - you only have to look at the sales figures to see that.
Why would they risk their new brand image by allowing a possible loophole that could be utilised by the.....less savory people that we all know go online to...errr...do very bad things?
For proof you only have to look at some of the various threads about viewing porn on the Wii browser. i bet the full version of opera will be locked down tighter than a gnats chuff with regard to porn. Imagine if the porn veiwing capability became general knowledge outside us "ninty fanboys"....do you think little johnny will be getting a Wii for his birthday then???
Thats how most of the online games for the DS work. A good example is Starfox Command, in that when you go online you can select to play against a friend, play in an "all against all" battle of random people or you can play against "rivals" i.e, people who have a similar skill level to you that are also online.
I can see why people would like a "lobby" type area to find people to play against them (as i believe xboxlive does), but looking at it from nintendo's perspective i can't see it happening.
As a brand Nintendo has a very child friendly image, whereas M$ and $ony brands are pitched and percieved to be for higher age groups (see GTA/Manhunt/rape & murder everyone in the world with a rusty chainsaw/etc).
With the Wii and the DS they are trying to re-establish their brand as one for all ages and abilities - and its working! - you only have to look at the sales figures to see that.
Why would they risk their new brand image by allowing a possible loophole that could be utilised by the.....less savory people that we all know go online to...errr...do very bad things?
For proof you only have to look at some of the various threads about viewing porn on the Wii browser. i bet the full version of opera will be locked down tighter than a gnats chuff with regard to porn. Imagine if the porn veiwing capability became general knowledge outside us "ninty fanboys"....do you think little johnny will be getting a Wii for his birthday then???