Oh yeah, its me!
Ok, so it wouldn't surprise me if some people from Nintendo read/watch this forum. So Nintendo if you are out there, here are some requests to improve the on-line experience from the Wii....
- Get games on-line. I know this is in the works, but something more should have been already in place.
- Mii Channel - It would be nice to be able to click on a Mii and know where it came from. Right now you have the characters name and who created it (which may or may not be listed), but it would be helpful if you could show who sent it to you. By the time you get 15+ Mii's it becomes difficult to know who gave you what.
- Weather Channel - not sure if this is problem on my end or others too, but the weather channel data seems very out of date. I would check it in the morning and the outside air temperature shows 32f and the Wii is reporting 45f. Would be nice if you could team up with NOAA or the Weather Channel, etc.
- Message Board:
-- Give us the ability to sort the address book, at the very least put them in alphabetical order.
-- When you register a Wii how difficult would it be to send that Wii an email that says John Doe wants to add you, YES or NO.
-- Allow us to be able to send one email to multiple addresses. I don't think this is possible currently, but it would be a nice feature to add.
--When you choose the Mii to add to your address book "person", have a pop up that shows the Mii's name please.