Nintendo hints at more big surprises in SSBB


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2006
Here's a recent interview with Nintendo's VP of sales and marketing Perrin Kaplan. The interview covers several topics (that are interesting too) but there's some SSBB related stuff that may be of interest.
The full interview is here:

But here's some of the interesting SSBB stuff:

Wired News: Okay. Super Smash Bros. just got delayed. What happened?

Perrin Kaplan: What did I just say to someone downstairs... I'm not calling it a delay. I'm calling it a Smash Bros. Perfection Program.

WN: Okay, go on.

PK: That's what they're going to do with it.

WN: But why did they? I mean, they've had a lot of time to work on this game, and it's a huge holiday title for Nintendo.

PK: So, when it launches, and you play it, I hope you'll call and tell me that it was worth it. You'll see.

WN: How will I know that it's worth it?

PK: There are a couple different things that I wish I could share with you today, but I can't, things that they're working on refining that will make it amazing. And of course, better than any Smash prior. And of course you're a huge Smash fan, right?

... ...

PK: Alright, that's fair enough. So all I can say is that we've said before that things are worth the wait, and Nintendo is a company that always makes sure the quality's there, we don't rush anything to market. And of course the intention was to have it come this year, but they really want to perfect it and they're going to add in a couple of things that folks don't know about yet, but that they will love.

WN: Does this have anything to do with online play?

PK: Next question.
Well, we can definitely expect something, but he never hinted anything about online play features or a headset. Nice find anyway. Hopefully it will be a character that nobody is expecting.
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JerryC said:
Nice post

haha good try

The full part of that question is pretty funny:

WN: Does this have anything to do with online play?

PK: Next question.

WN: Does this have anything to do with online play?

PK: No, a different question.

WN: Those are the next five questions.

PK: After those, then.
FR. said:
Well, we can definitely expect something, but he never hinted anything about online play features or a headset. Nice find anyway. Hopefully it will be a character that nobody is expecting.
to me this does hint at online play. i'm betting on NO MORE FRIEND CODES (yes i am serious) and a headset.

I dont exactly get this as a hint...
Because, DUH!! she wasn't going to say ''No we're not adding anything to online play'' so she just passed the question....
An idea i came up with awhile ago is this:
Game Mode: Stage Creator
Description: Create your own stage similar to the 1st level of adventure mod ein Brawl and place your own monsters such as koopas and new subspace monsters.
But then you get to save it onto your wii memory or sd card. But then you can play with your friends with it online and they download it and you can share it online.

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