@SoHugo17 FOLLOW ME? :)
well. . . yea :/
got my Wii first day it came out. i, along with others, waited to get the first Wii's out in the US. i remember putting in Twilight Princess and every other game that came along through the years. i had allll my saved files, perfect games, personal high scores on all my other games. . . but what happens next?!?!?!
HMMMM. . . my Wii says it has weird errors in the files. So what do i do? i do what ever else does, call Nintendo, send my Wii and expect to have it fixed and everything. BUT once i get it back, EVERY. . . SINGLE. . SAVED. . FILE. . DATA is erased from my Wii. all my Twilight Princess records, Brawl, Mario Kart, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid + 20 more Wii games, VC games, Rock Band tracks. . . . ERASED :/
So i spent HOURS AND HOURS re downloading each file one by one. the songs takes a while to download, the VC games as well.
it's as if i got a NEW Wii, but my playing history is completely gone. it's as if i never played any of my games
thanks for the no-charge, but NINTENDO. . . you crushed my dreams
you killed an old school gamer's spirit :/ i was there from the beginning Nintendo, and you just erased me and my Wii's history :/
anyone had that happen? XD
got my Wii first day it came out. i, along with others, waited to get the first Wii's out in the US. i remember putting in Twilight Princess and every other game that came along through the years. i had allll my saved files, perfect games, personal high scores on all my other games. . . but what happens next?!?!?!
HMMMM. . . my Wii says it has weird errors in the files. So what do i do? i do what ever else does, call Nintendo, send my Wii and expect to have it fixed and everything. BUT once i get it back, EVERY. . . SINGLE. . SAVED. . FILE. . DATA is erased from my Wii. all my Twilight Princess records, Brawl, Mario Kart, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid + 20 more Wii games, VC games, Rock Band tracks. . . . ERASED :/
So i spent HOURS AND HOURS re downloading each file one by one. the songs takes a while to download, the VC games as well.
it's as if i got a NEW Wii, but my playing history is completely gone. it's as if i never played any of my games
thanks for the no-charge, but NINTENDO. . . you crushed my dreams
anyone had that happen? XD