Nintendo DS WiFi Friends Code

Diddy Kong Racing-

Wifi name:Sarai_132

Metroid Prime Hunters-

Post later I cant find it
WiiChat Name: BIG MONEY
N-WiFi Name : BKING07
Contact Info: [email protected]

M vs. DK:2 March of the mini's:2878-6127-7006
Diddy Kong Racing: 081700-876803
Metriod Prime:Hunters 3136-3039-6133
If you add me please contact my email or PM me.
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WiiChat Name: Leirith
N-WiFi Name:Leirith


Animal Crossing: 5283-7563-1369
Mario Kart DS: 025866-086896
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now after i've added some friends, do they get a message so that they know i tried to add them and so they can add me.

also i went into my friends roster and there was a little lock beside each person that i could open and close ... whats this for??

hey, jhathaway, you want a game? let me just find my friend code...

292145 380358, there it is.

dude, your fc doesn't work.
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jhathaway said:
now after i've added some friends, do they get a message so that they know i tried to add them and so they can add me.

also i went into my friends roster and there was a little lock beside each person that i could open and close ... whats this for??


the lock is so that you don't accidently delete your also increases the chances of you being paired up with your friends...
If anyone would like to friend code me for pokemon diamond (i'm getting it around april 22nd). I'm keeping a list of names, or would just like to battle with me.

RivalDestiny said:
If anyone would like to friend code me for pokemon diamond (i'm getting it around april 22nd). I'm keeping a list of names, or would just like to battle with me.


I would gladly trade friend codes with you, as of April 22nd is dangerously close to my birthday. Pity I can't get it because it comes here in June. Humbug.

However, I'm free for any Mario Kart challengers. I hate people disconnecting on me just wasting my time. Even more so I hate people who know they're losing but will disconnect on the last race, but for all the other races, they would drive backwards around the track.

Mario Kart détails:
Name: Emma
Code: 107-459-946-107
Contact through MSN: [email protected]

hey guys,

Just grabbed myself a couple games that are wifi enabled. First and by far my favourite is tetris DS, with Yu-gi-oh world championship 2007 coming in a very close second and mario kart in 3rd (although I cant figure out where I've placed it :S).

Looking for people to play these games regularly with over the wifi connection especially for the yu-gi-oh game . just send an e-mail to [email protected], you can also use that address to get a hold of me on MSN messenger.

hope to hear from some of yas soon .

Yu-gi-oh: 0086 8671 4748
Tetris: 686669 574081