Nintendo DS WiFi Friends Code


Animal crossing:1289-6571-4192 Name:Andrew Town:Mytown :mad5:
Diddy kong racing ds:4553-8316-1119
Mariokart ds:1160-7052-4327

My wii is not hook up to My nintedo wi-fi yet :wtf:
i0n said:
Noticed the other thread that was made about DS friends codes. I started to go through it and make a list of the names/games and codes but a lot of information was missing.

I think it would be a good idea to have one main post with everyones friends codes listed properly, so if anyone wants to share theirs just reply with this info and i'll you to the list :)

General Tips/Hints:

1. Lock the friend(s) you'd like to play against in the friends roster before search. This greatly increases your odds of finding your friends and speeds up the process.

2. Keeps a friends list on your Messanger program of each game and the players for it. This will help playing against fellow WiiChat members much easier.

3. DO NOT disconnect if you are going to lose. This not only irrates fellow players but it's also immature.

Please reply with your details int his format:


WiiChat Name: i0n
N-WiFi Name : i0n
Contact Info: [email protected] (contact info could be MSN/AIM or email)


MarioKart: 123456 123456
AnimalCrossing: 123456 123456


WiiChat Name: nintendowiigaming.piczo
N-WiFi Name:NoRwAZy
Contact Info: msn


MarioKart: 438 162 642 299
Metroid Prime Hunters: 077 382 838 165
hi im tommarment and here is my wifi freind coode for metroid prime hunters:
code:4854 4814 7468
Mario Kart = 055-952-949-094

Picross = 536989 319836
Last edited:
OK so I just got Zelda and Animal Crossing! REMEMBEr i JUSt got them so Im not too far in either one! I just got started but here are my codes
Zelda: 485-450-176-443
Animal crossing: 0172-9874-1703

If anyone adds me please PM me! It's greatly appreciated! Oh and if anyone can give me a hand in animal crossing that would be nice too!
Be My Friend!!!

:sick: :yesnod: :smilewinkgrin: :wtf: :O :shocked: :cool: :scared: :wink: :aureola: :lol: im looking for some cool people on metroids prime hunters thst want some competition be my friend by adding me my number is 171918924563 metroids rule lol post back you numbers cyas:yikes: :mad5: :ciappa:
anyone into advance wars days of ruin or planet puzzle leauge? pm if so and we can exchange
need some help unlocking onion knight for final fantasy 3
any help will be great...thanx

FC:4854 5809 0420