Nintendo DS WiFi Friends Code

wow. just wow. Rainlneay, you didnt even wait 1 minute for a response before posting again and then you didnt even wait 10 minutes before giving up. not just that but you sextuple posted! i think you might have just broke the speed rule breaking record!
WiiChat Name: Supermandudekid
N-WiFi Name: Chris

Pokemon Pearl: 2492 0604 8055

tell me when ya add me:)

Looking for some good trades and battles
always on
i broke my leg so i have nothing else to do but sit at home and play pokemon
and a little SPM when i get bored but thats rare

Do you Have Animal Crossing? P.S. I don't have that game you want to play WIFI with so that is why I am asking
WiiChat Name: Sonik
N-WiFi Name: Sonic
Contact Info: [email protected]
Aim: suupasonikusan

Games: Pokemon Pearl: 5111-9949-3218
PM me to be added
OK so here is my crap Pokemon friend code=3866 4498 8740
i have 5 pokemon on my teamthey are
lv 25 prinplup
lv 25 luxio
lv 25 staravia
lv 25 monferno
and lv 25 girafarig
plz message me after u add me!!!
hi there, I'm new to the DS and all.

I have Mario Kart and Metroid Hunters

I'd like to add some of you, if you will add me. I'm 19, so I'm not some noob 13 yr old. ;)

Also, I can't PM people. Is there a post limit until I can?


Metroid Code: 3995 3088 7021

Mario Kart: 1804 8755 3220

Thx :) pm me when you add me
done deal.

just added you.

Anyone else? Add me, I'll add you.


is there a way to see who's online, etc?

how long does it take once we add one another?
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