Nintendo Damps Down Talk of Wii HD-1.052009-11-09 10:37:40Maura SAs we reported last week, there’s been a lot of chatter on the web recently about the possibility of an HD and Blue-ray Wii2 coming out as soon as next year. Well, according to an MCV report today, Nintendo have been quick to quell the rising tide of excitement and are urging caution. Spoilsports! MCV report that NOA head Reggie Fils-Aime told GameTrailers this morning “I don’t know how forcefully we can say that there is no Wii HD.” Right, that’s that then.
However, as unequivocal as Fils-Aime’s statement seems, MCV also reports that other Nintendo big-wigs have been talking quite a lot about HD. They quote Shigeru Miyamoto as saying “we probably cannot swim against the tide. The customers’ tastes will become more and more refined. Even today, many customers who have seen HD once say they cannot go back to SD. When the majority of people around us say it is OK, we are content with the situation.”
MCV also quotes R&D manager Genyo Takeda as saying “since an increasing number of the TV sets at home around the world are becoming HD today, it will be natural for a machine to be able to generate graphics that people will be accustomed to see on HD televisions. Since the ordinary TV programs are now shifting to HD, moving to HD appears to me a natural flow.”
Expanding the debate further, MCV have Miyamoto pontificating about whether or not all games are suitable for HD. “We have to ask ourselves if HD is really necessary to develop Wii Fit. Won’t HD be better for the games like Pikmin? The developers should choose the most appropriate graphical format depending on the software they make.”
So, it’s all a bit confusing, but reading between the lines it seems that Nintendo is certainly thinking about Wii HD, even if they say they’re not doing much more than think about it at the moment.
Source: http://www.mcvuk.com/news/36389/Nintendo-talks-Wii-HD