Nintendo Cutting Back On Wii Production?


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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According to wii.nintendolife. Nintendo might be cutting back on making wii's.

How many more millions can Nintendo roll of the production line?

Has the machine reached its zenith?

The Nintendo Wii may have sold a shed-load of units over the past few weeks but reports from Japan indicate that even this increase in revenue is unlikely to completely turnaround the machine's flagging fortunes.
A report issued by Japanese news firm Nikkei has revealed that two Japanese companies involved with the production of the Wii - Mitsumi and Hosiden - are set to lose revenue this year due to the "declining fortunes" of Nintendo's console and a "drop-off in orders from Nintendo to assemble game systems".

The problem facing Nintendo is that pretty much everyone that wants a Wii now has one; the arrival of big titles like New Super Mario Bros. Wii and the forthcoming Zelda may change that but for now it would seem that the Wii has reached the peak of its rise to fame and fortune and the next year or so is going to see sales diminish - at least that's what Nintendo believes, judging by this news.

Another possible reason could be the development of "Wii HD". After all, Nintendo has already released four different hardware iterations of the DS, so surely another Wii is on the cards?
Sega cut back on making the Dreamcast and now look at them

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