Nintendo Cleans up IGN's Top100 Games of All Time

The reason Tetris is so high is because it was one of the first real addictive games to reach a huge audience. Ask random people what Mass Effect and God of War are, some will know and some won't. Ask people what Tetris is and the vast majority will know. Would I want to play Tetris over Mario Galaxy right now? No. But I also recognize what Tetris represents - a great gameplay idea for its time and a game that reached a huge audience and helped move gaming forward. It had a huge impact on gaming in its day. As I'm writing this somewhere in the world somebody is playing Tetris. In 20-30 years will we be able to say the same about Mass Effect? God of War? Mario Galaxy? Bioshock? Twilight Princess?
IcedEarth81 said:
The reason Tetris is so high is because it was one of the first real addictive games to reach a huge audience. Ask random people what Mass Effect and God of War are, some will know and some won't. Ask people what Tetris is and the vast majority will know. Would I want to play Tetris over Mario Galaxy right now? No. But I also recognize what Tetris represents - a great gameplay idea for its time and a game that reached a huge audience and helped move gaming forward. It had a huge impact on gaming in its day. As I'm writing this somewhere in the world somebody is playing Tetris. In 20-30 years will we be able to say the same about Mass Effect? God of War? Mario Galaxy? Bioshock? Twilight Princess?

Finally a valid point without just talking out the ass. What you say is true and I agree with that. When tetris came out people were in awe because they never seen anything like that. But IMO if your gonna make a list of actual great games then it shouldnt be that high, regardless. Its like in Rap when they say the best rapper ever was Tupac but its not like he's the one that started hip-hop. So Tupac is the best, but they give respect and props to people like the Sugar Hill Gang, GrandMaster Flash, Run DMC, etc.

So all the respect and props to Tetris of course, but still not No. 2 best game of ALL time. Mario on the other hand deserves to be in the list, though IMO I like Super Mario World better. I could still play that game to this day and enjoy it alot. Just like I can really still enjoy listening to Tupac and Bone Thugs to this day.
T3kNi9e said:
Thank you, so shut the **** up. And no thanks I dont like halo aside from the first one.

Again, take your own advice, as it appears you are the only one talking out of the ass. Seems thats where you like it though :ciappa: Like I said, you do like Halo, and I'm sure your boyfriend is getting upset that you're not around you damned wanker.
T3kNi9e said:
I guess thats why Wii is 3rd place in software sales.

In your house maybe. The attach rate of the Wii is (worldwide) stronger than the other consoles. A few months back PS3 was lagging with an attach rate of under 2 and the Wii and Xbox were hovering around 5/6 in Europe and the US, with Wii dominating the Japanese market hand over fist.

Recent AAA titles on the 360 gave them a boost in its stronger territories but placing the Wii in third is almost as absurd as the top ten games!
Already had this discussion in another thread. Im also including PS2 which is still selling games and are planning on releasing 160 more titles on there PS2 in the 2008 year. So yea... Its Xbox, PS2, Wii, DS, PSP, PS3. It would be stupid for me to think PS3 is selling more than Wii. Even though personally they have better games when it comes to 3rd party software, but Wii is crushing them on 1st party.