Let There Be Rock
Wrestling games that aren’t Smackdown Vs Raw don’t tend to fare too well and even that series has lost something recently. In steps ‘TNA Impact!’ for the PS2, PS3, Wii & Xbox 360.
Impact! will be just like the real TNA, it will be fast paced and hard hitting action. The facts are as allowed, 25+ wrestler roster, Ultimate X, King of the Mountain and maybe even Six Sides of Steel will all be in the game as well as your normal standard types of matches like tag team, singles and so on and so forth. The game also offers eight different venues, obviously including The Impact! Zone in Florida, while the other 7 will be made up arenas from around the world.
If your thinking that it will be the normal offering from Midway in the form of ridiculous over-the-top-ness as they have been known to offer, think again. They are trying to go with a slightly more realistic approach with this title. Don’t expect long gaps every other move but don’t expect an all arcade frenzy.
The game has taken a few influences from the popular WWE Smackdown Vs Raw in the form of colour-coded damage indicators in your HUD and mini-games for getting out of pins and submissions. The game will also ‘borrow’ the hot spot idea that SvR offered although this has only been confirmed to be in the Impact Zone arena only.
Smackdown Vs Raw isn’t the only game that Midway are looking to. Many consider WWF No Mercy on the N64 to be one of the best wrestling titles ever and they are trying to get it on terms with that. The producers even made it so everyone working on the game had played No Mercy.
So all of this sounds great but of course there will be your standard story mode although Impact! will be different as it won’t just be get the belt at the big event scenario. Expect interesting story-lines and plot twists.
We know that Midway aren’t doing a sloppy job as they have already had intensive motion capture sessions with all the top stars from TNA, They have done full ’scans’ for the characters and audio samples recorded live from the ‘Impact! Zone’
It does seem slightly limited with the relatively small roster and the fact that you can only have a max of 4 characters on screen at one time. Personally this sounds fine as it is the first in this eventual series.
TNA Impact is looking very promising indeed, at least a lot better than most of the WCW games did when they came out. We haven’t even touched on the Create-A-Wrestler and the online multiplayer modes it has and it still sounds great.
The game is yet to get a set in stone release date but the game is still on target to meet its Summer 2008 window.
Screens taken from the Xbox 360 Version
looking forward to this game after playing the failure that is svr 2008.