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i cant belive this, but the giants actually had a good game, great game by plaxico burres and jeremy shockey
I agree, the Giants surprised me today, I left thinking the game was over at half and went to get food with my gf and get some supplies for my fish tank and came back and they won, I was like wtf.
Chad Johnson - Fav player
Minnesota Vikings - Fav team
Colts - Packers (Colts win again) - Super bowl picks
Anybody else interested in whether or not the Saints pull out of their offensive slump? I hope they get it going today, especially since they're at home, but they are going up against a fairly decent Titans team.
Bengals offically suck, but I don't :) had a game today and caught a touchdown so look for me on the Bengals in about 10-20 years
Yea the Bears offense is laughable, and they didn't play too well on d either. Though Romo and Owens are a dangerous combo.

Marioman said:
Bengals offically suck, but I don't had a game today and caught a touchdown so look for me on the Bengals in about 10-20 years
Sure thing boss...

So yea New Orleans is far from finding its stride, but did show a little spark. Titans looked pretty decent, nothing special, considering how bad the Saints are right now. 31-14 Saints lose.
Anyone watch the Titans dismatle the Saints DE? Vince Young was great other than the interception. It was all about their passing game, suprisingly.
Wow, saints are a terrible team. I flat-out don't understand how they got so bad... it doesn't make sense

NFC Championship game:
Dallas vs. Green Bay

AFC Championship game:
New England vs. Indianapolis

Super Bowl:
New England vs. Dallas

New England

Sad thing is, I'm a Dolphin fan...poor guys...

On a side note my fantasy team is yay!
Mcallister (spelt wrong) tore his ACL, he's done for the season. Sorry...
Two Newspapers say that an "unknown" source says the Bears plan to bench Grossman for Griese. This is probably some wishy washy report, but it's crazy to bench Grossman, for Griese.
Yea I heard about Deuce and the Grossman "qb controversy" so I don't know how that is going to turn out, but it sucks for the Saints, now I don't see them doing well at all for the rest of the year. Just hope it isn't as bad as the Raiders were last year.

Also in regards to "Wrecks" Grossman, he played horrendous in that game, he deserves to be benched, I'm sorry but Lovie needs to do what's best for the team, not what is best for Rex, he needs to face it that Grossman will never be a consistently great qb, though at times he shows the potential to be one. They need to trade for/acquire a better qb, I mean I have more faith in Culpepper than Grossman at this point. Sorry, but that is just how I see it.

EDIT: Just heard on SportsCenter that Lovie Smith is going to make an official statement tomorrow to replace Grossman at starting qb with Griese.
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