Next Nintendo Console

LevesqueIsKing said:
I'm fairly certain that that cube one is real.

The Nintendo ON is made by a fan, they aren't working on it.
It looks real but its not. Ive seen it before and have read about it ,its a fun made thing who just wanted to show what would a portable GC would look like.(or smthing like that)
wiijected said:
Pretty sure nintendo is afraid to do anything virtual since the Virtual boy flop. Could be wrong. Things do change. But how about some voice recognition commands?

yes the virtual boy did fail and so did the motion sensored power glove. now we have a motion sensored system from nintendo. i think nintendo will do another motion sensing system and maybe the generation after we will get virtual reality. but to be honest we dont have the technology and if we did it would turn out to be another ps3 but 3 times the price.