NeXt Gen WARS....wounded soldier

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xbandaidx said:
Hey guys I have an idea.

Its a really neat feature of vBulletin. It's called 'ignore'. If you find someone who bugs you, or they never make a decent post. Try it, it really works!

I see more arguing on this forum than productive replies.

As far as I see it, the internet is used for three things:

1. Spreading rumors
2. Arguing
3. Porn

Ignore would effectively make make the internet 33% more useless.

And I like the Wii, and think the 360 is decent. I won't be buying the PS3 for a long time despite being a Sony fanboy for the past several years.
I always knew nintendo would't let me down. Microsoft and Sony seem to stick to one idea of having a traditional console and controller while the only thing that changes is the graphics. Where as Nintendo has always thought outside the console box and has brought us new ways to play our games.

And whats the deal with the PS3 controller not having rumble? And don't even tell me it's because of the sixaxis, the Wiimote also has a gyroscopic sensor but it has rumble.
Psycle2049 said:
I always knew nintendo would't let me down. Microsoft and Sony seem to stick to one idea of having a traditional console and controller while the only thing that changes is the graphics. Where as Nintendo has always thought outside the console box and has brought us new ways to play our games.

And whats the deal with the PS3 controller not having rumble? And don't even tell me it's because of the sixaxis, the Wiimote also has a gyroscopic sensor but it has rumble.

I believe that Sony was running into some legal issues regarding the rumble technology they used, or from the rumble-pack manufacturer. I may be wrong though, so don't flame me if I am. :D
I'm sorry.. I must point this out.

pay1  /peɪ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pey] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, paid or(Obsolete except for defs. 12, 24c) payed; pay‧ing; noun, adjective

Definitions 12 and 24c

12. Nautical. to let (a ship) fall off to leeward.
24. requiring subscribed or monthly payment for use or service: pay television.

So therefore, "paid" is the correct word for the way you used it.

I don't mean to start some fight again. Just pointing it out so the poor kid doesn't use "payed" for the rest of his life and possibly use it in a college application essay and be rejected for a misspelled word.

JerrodDRagon said:
As of right now anyone who buys the PS3 is an idiot when some good games come out then go out and buy it. Right now the Wii (for me) is the best. Next year the 360 will be pretty good with Bajoo Kazoo 3, Fable 2 and Halo 3.

Your a retard. That makes no sense at all. I guess its bad to purchase one now and buy games later? I hope you dont breed later in life :nonod:
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ABC, just because your ps2 works now, don't speak for the rest of us. Look up broken ps2 and you will find mountains of broken units. Same with xbox though.

If you don't like those who speak out, thats a darn shame. I guess you always did go with the flow, if you know what i mean? Unwilling to see the large gray mountain behind the tiny red rock eh?
zraductus said:
well....bra go to the link i posted and if u read what i wrote im not comparing the wii to the ps3 im comparing the xbox 360 to the ps3,the only aspect i compare the wii and the ps3 is in its control nothing else in wich case wii owns the ps3

oh beside the fact that sony riped the tilting motion from nintendo....
remember the silver boomerang control 4 ps3????

how strange that they change the concept at last moment

If your comparing the Xbxo 360 and the PS3 why post in a Wii forum?
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