New York Comic Con

Wiichat's anime community was once a thrivin' thing, Assasin. As Kira point out though, ... not so much these past few years. :lol:
Im the only one most the time it seems

The OMG NARUTO and ZMOG BLEACH crowd come and go
Nope. Only cosplayer I recall here is Prinny.

Not really a cosplayer as ive only done it twice, just dressing as Dan at Play expo to annoy people
If I lived near NY I'd be going. I've only ever been to one con and it was a blast. Unfortunatly, being the fat SOB I am, cosplay doesn't work to well for me.
There are "larger" builds of people to cosplay.

E Honda
If I lived near NY I'd be going. I've only ever been to one con and it was a blast. Unfortunatly, being the fat SOB I am, cosplay doesn't work to well for me.

HA! You could do it! You could be "Buu" from DBZ! LOL


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Be Dan
People respect Dan
I should know