New Wii Site - Input?


WiiChat Member
Dec 12, 2006
Arkansas, United States
Wii Online Code
I was thinking about setting up a new Wii website (not at all in competition with Wii Chat - these forums rock!). I was thinking about "My Wii DB" (fyi, db = database). Basically, you'd sign up for an account, and:

- Put your Wii details (when you bought it, what accessories you have, etc)

- Make a list of the Wii games you own / want (including VC, of course). There'd be a database of the released games, so you could even track other people with similar game interests as you. With your wanted games, you'd be able to make Christmas lists to e-mail, print, etc.

- Rate / review the Wii games you own. Simple 1-5 stars, and then detailed categories (use of Wiimote, longevity, multiplayer, etc.) and a spot to type a full-length review of what you thought about it. This could also be used to get average user ratings for all the games.

- Record stats on the Wii games you own. Each game would come with their own stats you could enter, of course. For example: Wii Sports could have your fitness age, tennis skill level, highest bowling score, etc.

- Put your Wii Online Code, if you wanted (not a huge deal, esp. since these forums have that)

- Plus more.......

My two questions to all of you:

1) Do you guys think that sounds cool or not? If it's lame, then of course it's not worth doing, and

2) What features do you think would be cool to add?

Positive and negative feedback appreciated!

PS I hope this is the right forum for this.
If you can actually make it look decent, then i'd think it'd be cool. Becuase, there aren't that many reviews for the games, and i'd rather see 1-5 star etc... as ratings just because i'm used to that. But if it does decide to go mainstream, do you have the bandwidth to supply?
tonyr1988 said:
I was thinking about setting up a new Wii website (not at all in competition with Wii Chat - these forums rock!). I was thinking about "My Wii DB" (fyi, db = database). Basically, you'd sign up for an account, and:

- Put your Wii details (when you bought it, what accessories you have, etc)

- Make a list of the Wii games you own / want (including VC, of course). There'd be a database of the released games, so you could even track other people with similar game interests as you. With your wanted games, you'd be able to make Christmas lists to e-mail, print, etc.

- Rate / review the Wii games you own. Simple 1-5 stars, and then detailed categories (use of Wiimote, longevity, multiplayer, etc.) and a spot to type a full-length review of what you thought about it. This could also be used to get average user ratings for all the games.

- Record stats on the Wii games you own. Each game would come with their own stats you could enter, of course. For example: Wii Sports could have your fitness age, tennis skill level, highest bowling score, etc.

- Put your Wii Online Code, if you wanted (not a huge deal, esp. since these forums have that)

- Plus more.......

My two questions to all of you:

1) Do you guys think that sounds cool or not? If it's lame, then of course it's not worth doing, and

2) What features do you think would be cool to add?

Positive and negative feedback appreciated!

PS I hope this is the right forum for this.

-If you are talking about doing actual XML work for it, it seems a bit overkill for the subject matter.

-The game stats thing isn't going to work. Kid's like to lie.

-The games list/wishlist idea is basically exactly how nintendo has theres with your My Nintendo account.

-Becoming a frequently visited game review site takes years to get the word out and get people to actually trust the reviews. Because otherwise noone will care, and just go straight to the big dogs IGN and gamespot.

But it still sounds cool.
Few pointers
1. Dont post it on here
2. Where on a good wii site allready
3. There is no point 3
4. Im hungry
5. Why should we join another
6. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm food
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Oops - maybe I should clarify. I wasn't talking about a huge site like IGN or Gamespot. It'd mainly be something small to share with your friends (and when your signature gets too long to hold all the games you own :p), kind of like (for music), except for games...and hopefully not quite as ugly.

I like reviews from the "pro" sites, but I've learned a lot about the various games from these forums and people's personal reviews. None of them would be publish-able or anything, but you'd be able to see what other people thought about a game you're thinking about buying (esp. people that share similar interests in other games as you).
I realized you didn't want it to be a big site like gamespot or IGN, you must have misread what I said.

I basically said that having user reviews and stuff are usually pointless on fanmade sites because noone really reads them or cares what they say.
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Oh, I see now - my bad.

While I do agree with you partly, and while none of the "homemade reviews" would be put on game boxes, I still learn a ton about certain games from word of mouth, and look at how many threads are on the Game forum about recommendations for games, or deciding between two different games. Finding out what the average user (or someone who likes the same games as you) thinks can help a lot sometimes.

Of course, it could be a miserable failure. My finals finished on Monday, and I don't work until Friday, so I've been really bored around the house. :)
Sounds exactly like something I was thinking about. If you need any PHP help let me know.
I think that a site like that could be useful if it were designed to be viewable on the Wii (via Opera). My Wii is not near my computer. I think that a fan site formatted for the Wii that offers game hints and tips, would be useful. I don't want to visit a site loaded with flash and other plug-ins.
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How is this site any different from IGN account?

I can do all that stuff on my IGN account and more.

I like the idea of a DB style, but not another site that you can do the same thing that 20 other gaming sites can do.

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