New Wii Classic Controller

That does look pretty cool. I am still using my GC controller to play VC games, and I personally think that the control system of the GC controller is excellent.
That is still a great find, so nicely done.
Mr.NiceGuy said:
my question is: does the wii see this as a 'gamecube' controller or does it think it is the classic controller?

the reason i ask is because i got Geometry Wars (which is f@#in amazing)
and i would love a bigger controller but it only allows you to use the 'classic controller' which is fine but if i could use this then i would be in heaven :)
(for some reason the game doesn't read gamecube controllers)
Gahhh... sorry i just got done reading the review at IGN and this indeed is just a 'wavebird' replacement. It uses a dongle from the gamecube port to connect....
oh well :)

Yes. This is just a wireless Gamecube controller being marketed for the Wii. I'm getting really annoyed at everyone calling it a Classic controller, because a lot of people are going to be pissed off when they buy it and realise it does the same thing as their Wavebird.
It's like the PS3 controller in terms of layout, but shaped like the Xbox 360 controller.

I like it. If this were actually a "classic" controller I'd be all about it for sure!

But of course it CAN be used for VC games!
in japan they got a snes classic controller, i realy want it so im goin to import it.

and to those who said its old news well it is, i posted a thread n pics about it around 2 months ago