New Wii Channel!!!!

Yeah, was playing SMS for a while and shut off my Wii, the next time I saw it, the CD drive light started glowing, I checked my mail to find out that there was a new update and new program, I updated my console and, getting used to the updates like the news channel and weather channel, I scanned my channels looking for the voting channel, but it was nowhere to be found, but then I read the message again and it told me to download it from the Wii Shop Channel
no1cubehead said:
if anybody sees one saying do you like chicken? that's mine.
please, remember me when i am famous.
That's not how it works. Nintendo MAY use a question you send in. But they probably wont, because of how many there will be sent in. There is no guarante that your question will be used.
i woek up this morning at around 8, but during the night the cat woke me up, maybe around 4, and the blue light was on then.

i was hoping it was a message reply from someone i was waiting on one from someone....instead i had a message asking if i preffered 'cats or dogs'

well let me tell you, after the cat woke me up so early, i think my vote is on the dog side. but thats irrelevant, it was also a message telling me there is a new channel.

i didnt bother getting it yet cos i had to go to work, i'll get it later. i think it should be used properly, to find out from wii users what they want to see in furture games, channels, what vc games would be most wanted etc... not whether i prefer cats or dogs..

anyone agree?
I've downloaded it- seems kinda pointless at the moment. I'm extremely opinionated, so I thought I'd like it, but I'm also not really interested in questions like "do you prefer sleeping or eating?".
i think its a nice addition to the wii menu. Will be interesting wen alot of results start to coming in and u check ur statistics, such as how accurate your predictions are and 'how tunned are you'.
It does seem like a silly little feature - I do like the "prediction" part of the questions.

I want to see what the results look like and then I will decide.
Nintendo says they'll continue to add in more channels. So far they are living up to the promise of 1 new channel per month. I hope they launch the online games channel in March!