New Social Group - N64


WiiChat Member
Jun 22, 2010
Wii Online Code
davidallen has created a new social group called "N64", with the following description:

Just old school gamers trying to have fun and be a part of an elite team currently recruiting for call of duty:world at war, call of duty:modern warfare reflex edition, and super smash bros. brawl (any game is welcome just leave your friend code and I'll be sure to make you a captain in that game not listed above) but you must live by this code: play hard and play to win also add this in any gamer name (N64) Ex:(N64)Player

To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.
when this said N64 I thought it was a group for the old bad ass games like super smash bros& mario kart 64 etc
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No but I do know how to acquire those type if games absolutely free so why not join my clan(;

when this said N64 I thought it was a group for the old bad ass games like super smash bros& mario kart 64 etc

Like below and onlf if you join my clan I will also provide the DL on the ROMs and emulators
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Yeah some illegal ROMS

We are not allowed to speak of such things
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Oooh my bad prinny(;
sorry kinda new to this
how are they illegal? if you wanted to download a game you would have to pay for it or what?
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