New Pearl Harbor Trilogy Screenshots and New Details Released -1.052010-01-15 19:14:36Maura S

Those nice people at Legendo have today released three brand new screenshots from their forthcoming WiiWare game, Pearl Harbor Trilogy. And we’ve thrown in an extra vintage comic poster from the game for you here, just because we’re also nice, and it’s the holidays and all that. The spectacular new screenshots show a close up of an American Scout Bomber, a dogfight chase and an American Scout Bomber taking out the enemy. The game’s executive producer Bjorn Larsson also revealed new details about the game on the official website today, including the fact that players will be able to fly missions as either Japanese or Americans. Also, there will be two campaigns with eight missions each, and there will be at least eight playable aircraft. Furthermore, Larsson provided fresh details about the control system, stating that the game currently has two control schemes, the first of which has the player holding the Wii Remote horizontally, and the second of which uses the Wii Remote and Nunchuk together to control the plane, with the Nunchuk being used for tilting and turning and the Wii Remote being held vertically to shoot. According to Larsson, Legendo are also thinking about adding support for the Classic Controller, but have yet to make a final decision.
Pearl Harbor Trilogy is due for WiiWare early in the New Year.