New RPG Project


WiiChat Member
Dec 20, 2006
I'm thinking of creating a new RPG project / forum, and in need of serious help. I ran RPG's before, owned couple of websites, coded many layouts and good in graphics design, so I am a little experience.

But that doesn't mean I don't need help. I need:

-Co-Owner: Owns and manages half of the RPG
-Story Writer: Help me write the story of the RPG
-Graphics designer/layout: Layout coder or graphics designer for the forums
-Co-Administrator: Administers the forums, etc.
-RPGers: Whoever loves to RP any kind of RPG's, who can help contribute to this project.

If anyone is interested in helping, please PM me with a name, past webmastering experiences, and RPG experiences. Please I need help.

This RPG story/name is not yet determined. Thanks for reading! :)

NOTE: The RPG won't be posted in this forums, rather it will have its own.

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