New Red Steel Images

Flip said:
There is more to a story than just the inciting incident. Are you forgetting that when you're playing through the game, the story builds? From the interview with one of the writers for Red Steel, I got the impression that he built the story REALLY well, and it's going to be pretty in depth.

I hope there IS more to the story. I was giving the premise of the story because that is all anyone knows at this point. I'm sure that the story builds, to a degree. But to what degree? Personally, I feel that the premise is a little weak, but that's ok. I'm less interested in the story than the other aspects of the game.

I mean realistically speaking, if your girlfriend is kidnapped and taken to another country (silly in and of itself) your first reaction is not going to be to fly over there with a gun and sword and kill everyone.
Jabba said:
stunning.. I'm just a little worried about the loading times? :(. It looks like it will be like the PS2 :(
Its nintendo, Loading times have always either been non exsitant or minamal
deity_link said:
Its nintendo, Loading times have always either been non exsitant or minamal

Yeah, I know, but in the video in the first post it loaded about 30 seconds or so, and that IS quite something (Try to count thirty REAL seconds).

Ofcourse i hope not! :)
:drool: woooooow

i want this game now, just donno wether ive left it to late to preorder it
stu said:
looks good but controls look a little sluggish
Hopefully there will be an "Expert Mode" like in Metroid, so it's more like a PC shooter, although it's current view style is probably more realistic because in real life, you sometimes move your gun indepently from your body.

Here's another new pic. The sword is f'ing nice!

(click to enlarge)
I wasnt really into this game till recently the latest few rounds of screenshots have just been stunning, so whacked on a pre order at :D.

I also like the use of the speaker in the wii-mote as a kind of phone speaker to get missions. Its about the only useful thing Ive heard done with the speaker.
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NateTheGreat said:
Hopefully there will be an "Expert Mode" like in Metroid, so it's more like a PC shooter, although it's current view style is probably more realistic because in real life, you sometimes move your gun indepently from your body.

I think there is a sensitivity option. In one of the videos, he is in the pause menu and he is selecting between "Wide" and "Short" movement. This would seem to be the deadzones for the wiimote. Short Movements = higher sensitivity / faster turning. Wide = the opposite.
MetroidZ said:
video added.

god give me this game now!
NO KIDDING, the graphics look great, and the gameplay looks incredible, this is the first wii game i will own!!
i could easily change my preorder from rayman to red steel, i want rayman but i dont think its a single player game so i may get this, any opinions?

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