NEW MW3 CLAN PKMN!!! please join!

WiiChat Member
Feb 25, 2012
dont look behind you
Hello im i decided to start a clan called PKMN if this clan gets a good start then i will change my name. if you are a pokemon fan this is good for you. if you join you can change your name to one of the 150 original pokemon and we shall play together. we have a very unique way of ranking up and showing your rank in the clan, you will start off as a basic pokemon then you will evolve in your next rank as you progress i hope this will be fun feel free to message me any questions and leave your application with rank,name,ETC thank you and please join :D
Lord no. The only shooter I play is Red Dead, which clearly isn't whatever shooter this clan is for. :lol:

If someone posts in your thread, and mentions absolutely nothing 'bout joining the clan, it's safe to assume they ain't interested, bro.
Mod edit: No multi posting. Use the edit button instead.


i will join i guess



fav gun: P90 with red dot and kick Lv 7 SCAR-L Lv13 with red dot and kick CM901 Lv 23 with red dot and kick

fav mode: domination

Wins: 29


Win Streak:5

kills: 584


K:D RATIO: 0.714


kdr: about .80

Kills: about 720

Death: about 800

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