New member in North Carolina!


April Fool!!
Jun 29, 2010
Concord, NC
Wii Online Code
Hi, all! My name is Jillian, and I bought my Wii a few months ago. This is the first game system I've purchased (other than Game Boys) since the original NES came out back in the 80's. I bought a house last year and decided since I couldn't convince my mom to give up the old NES, I'd upgrade and splurge on a new system.

I would call myself a "casual" gamer. I prefer games I can play with friends (even ones that have never played before, like the Wii Sports games or puzzle games like Tetris and Dr. Mario) or RPG games (like Zelda), as opposed to the "shooter" games (COD, etc). Right now, I have Wii Sports (obviously), LEGO Rock Band, LEGO Star Wars (*LOVE* the LEGO games, I want Harry Potter), Wii Fit, EA Active, Thrillville and Beatles Rock Band.

I'm interested in starting a tournament league for Wii Bowling, and am brainstorming right now for ideas on how to run it (since you can't connect through the Wii Internet connection to bowl against other people), when to have games, etc. Once I get final info figured out, I'll post it here. I'm probably going to use to get it all set up, that way I can eventually get other people on board as tournament directors, rather than trying to do it all myself. If anyone has any ideas or input, or just wants to show support for the idea, I'm open to suggestions and comments. :)

Just thought I'd stop in and say "hello". See you all on the boards!!
Hola, Jillian! Welcome to Wiichat. Hope you enjoy the forums. =)

I'm sure there must be some Wii Bowling game with wi-fi play by now... I was disappointed at the fact Wii Sports had no online play too, honestly. The DS had wi-fi long before the Wii, but it took months after the Wii's release to implement wi-fi? Blasphemy. :lol:
Welcome to WiiChat Jillian! Good luck with getting that league setup, definitely could be a lot of work. Otherwise, glad to hear you're enjoying your Wii.

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