new here kinda


WiiChat Member
Apr 11, 2011
Wii Online Code
i really need some help, just got a new wii had gotten a used one before now have this new one. i wanted to know if this one website was full of crap or if it was true mywiidownloads or if it is not cool does anyone know where i can download games with out messin up my wii email me there. thanks dont know anything about how to do anything but play games on it. help anyone plase thank you.
hey there :) if you're afraid of downloads screwing your wii up it leads me to believe you have technical modification NOT supported by nintendo and we never allow such details to stay on the board. If it's a 'straight out of the box' wii and you still have problems we would be glad to help. G'day....
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no we just got the new one but i did have one that we go off craigslist but it wouldn't do anything. but now this new one i have no idea what to do with it except play games on it. lol i know it's crazy lol but i've heard all kinds of thing to do but i just wanna know how to do them all.
right sorry :D if you have wireless internet at home just refer to the instruction manuals about the connection test. I swear it is easier to put a wii online than a computer and the good folks at nintendo can help from a toll free number or else will walk you through it.

If you use wired internet a proper adapter for a usb port is necessary.

If your craiglist wii doesn't like the internet you have BIG problems and some home networks are fussy about the wii so read all the manuals properly. Good luck :)

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