New Girl (:

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If bullies dissapeared from the earth i would be a happy nerd.

You get picked on..? I wish i knew you..i hate bullies..i teach them a thing or two to not mess with others..hope that bully learns his lesson that hard way.
Picked on? Not even close. Try tormented. Once, i was just walking down the hall way wearing an Alliance (world of warcraft) Long sleeve t shirt and this sweaty jockhead comes out and throws a few insults at me, pins me against the wall spins me around and slams my face into a poster with wet, blue paint on it, then kicks me in the area a male does not want to be kicked.

my bully days were over with after middle school. :p they used to shove me around and stuff, but often i'd bluff saying i'd hack into their facebooks and make them sound like lindsey lohan or whatever, and few of them backed off, but still got messed around, especially after i found out that my first girl, becca, cheated on me. they never let me live it down :lol:
I was a NICE sweaty jockhead... :p

Oh HAI! Welcome to WiiChat all you wipper-snappers! :D
Picked on? Not even close. Try tormented. Once, i was just walking down the hall way wearing an Alliance (world of warcraft) Long sleeve t shirt and this sweaty jockhead comes out and throws a few insults at me, pins me against the wall spins me around and slams my face into a poster with wet, blue paint on it, then kicks me in the area a male does not want to be kicked.

... Ugh. If someone I knew went through something half as insulting as that, there'd be blood and teeth on the floor shortly after (which has indeed happened more than once... blah). Bullying boils my blood; back when I was a kid, I used to be incredibly short. Didn't lead to friendly relationships with the big and the bad. In other words, I can sympathize with it; the violence especially.

Pointless violence, especially bullying, is one of the grotesque features of corrupt people I want to stamp out, peacefully or violently. It sickens me how humans can be, honestly... I can't sit back and let things like this go unnoticed, especially with friends.

... All of that psuedo-rant aside, you've got my sympathy, Arceus. I hope you can avoid that bullshit as much as possible.
Thank you. it is difficult to avoid but then again, i will exact my revenge soon enough.
Arceus how old are you

I don't get bullied I'm liked by a couple of popular kids but the rest they've tried to be friends with me but I've seen what they've done to my friends now they some what pick on me but they can go F-themselves
hi welcome im new as well

i have msn my Wii friend code is on my profile if anyone wants to play texas holdem poker , onslaught and im getting cod soon all the games i have now are from the online wii store channel besides ff crystal bearers

ONSLAUGHT CODE = 4984-6354-4516
Owch i remember getting bullied.
That all chaged, when i knocked out some guy picking on a girl, people kinda left me alone, they'd still talk to me, Also hi
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