New Elebits Review

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hey just some more info on Elebits i just passed the second elebit boss. i believe the bosses are like 10 levels in between. one thing that i noticed is that there is a serious slow down of the game when there are alot of objects! i mean real slow!!! another thing is those dam pink elebits are so hard to find!!!! oh well keep ya posted.
StevenNevets said:
um yes... keep paying $50...

I'm a deal hunter and get my Wii games cheaper;)
*hmm* maybe I'll make a topic on it later

can you PM me where to look or what to do. if i can find lower game prices then i might be albe to convince my parents to get me a wii.
thanks in advance
Wii_Addict01 said:
can you PM me where to look or what to do. if i can find lower game prices then i might be albe to convince my parents to get me a wii.
thanks in advance

The answer is already in the thread somewhere.
I just got started with the game, completed 2's really freaking fun. I have no complaints yet. Throwing things around is awesome, it's so much more fun than you'd think it would be.
the_peripheral said:
I just got started with the game, completed 2's really freaking fun. I have no complaints yet. Throwing things around is awesome, it's so much more fun than you'd think it would be.

Sweeeeeet. Man can I teleport myself over to your place and play too? :p haha. Man I gotta wait until the 25th, tis suck majorly.
xbandaidx said:
Sweeeeeet. Man can I teleport myself over to your place and play too? :p haha. Man I gotta wait until the 25th, tis suck majorly.

lol, that would be awesome if humans could teleport....but that reminds me, I think that the only thing that would make the game better than it is so far would be if there was online multiplayer where 2 people could be inside the same room destroying everything looking for Elebits.

Only 8 more days for you..that's not too bad. From what I've played so far, it'll be worth the wait.

And I sold Zelda today...I sold it on ebay for $40 (that's with shipping included). Do you think that's a pretty good deal for a used game?
vagrant said:
I destroyed my bedroom today...I didn't find any elebits :(

You've gotta lose power first. Destroy the power system for your whole city, and THEN look for Elebits.
the_peripheral said:
lol, that would be awesome if humans could teleport....but that reminds me, I think that the only thing that would make the game better than it is so far would be if there was online multiplayer where 2 people could be inside the same room destroying everything looking for Elebits.

Only 8 more days for you..that's not too bad. From what I've played so far, it'll be worth the wait.

And I sold Zelda today...I sold it on ebay for $40 (that's with shipping included). Do you think that's a pretty good deal for a used game?

Yeah if only I had an ooccoo.

I've been wondering if I should sell my Copy of Zelda, I mean I beat it and stuff. I've heard that Nintendo was thinking about releasing some additional content for TP but even so I'm not sure yet. Really since I have beat it, it's just sitting around now. However with the money I could buy a new game.

I did register it as mine already, so oh well. I'll probably keep it anyways since I wanna build a game library.
I'm not too convinced that Nintendo will do anything with the games AFTER they are released such as new levels or anything so I'm not really worried about any new content coming out for it.

And as for building a library of games, I did that with my N64, and I will never do that again. I just feel bad if I keep a game around and never play it, and with the Zeldas, I just never get the urge to play them twice because I know the story and what to do.

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