The Elebits Game


Dec 16, 2006
OK so soon the Elebits game will be available in Australia

What im wanting to know is a few different peoples opinions of if the game is any good

after the huge dissapointment of Wario smooth moves, i intend to research games a lot more before i buy them

So if you have Elebits could you let me know what you think of it and if its any good ?

If you have smooth moves and liked it and you also have elebits then kindly dont respond :eek:ut: cause your weird :hand:

Waiting for a better Tennis game :drool:
AussieWii said:
OK so soon the Elebits game will be available in Australia

What im wanting to know is a few different peoples opinions of if the game is any good

after the huge dissapointment of Wario smooth moves, i intend to research games a lot more before i buy them

So if you have Elebits could you let me know what you think of it and if its any good ?

If you have smooth moves and liked it and you also have elebits then kindly dont respond :eek:ut: cause your weird :hand:

Waiting for a better Tennis game :drool:
Wow, you're about the first person I've seen who didn't like WarioWare. I haven't played it so I don't have an opinion on it.

I can say that Elebits is really fun! It plays as a FPS and works very well. But be warned: it's short. The replay value is definitely there though seeing as you can send levels to your friends via Wiiconnect24.

But being disappointed with WW, you might be disappointed with this as you might be expecting a little too much. o_O
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Is it multiplayer ?
i didnt have a real good look at the case

go to a video shop and hire smooth moves
i doubt you will consider buying it :sad:
i thought WW was a lot of fun
maybe too short....but fun, I and 4 friends started and finished this game in one night.....but what a night!!@! good thing no cameras!

i also own Elebits and need to put more time into it before i can give an answer, but i ran thru the lenghty tutorial and it seems pretty fun

we'll see
fun for a while three quarters through i kinda lost interest. if you have others to play with then it would have more of a lasting value
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well i hired raving rabbits and thought that it was 10 times better than smooth moves

10 times easy IMO
I'm SO with you on Wario Ware man!

Seriously I don't understand the mass hysteria over Wario Ware: Smooth Moves is about. The game looks like a joke to me. I haven't played it and I have no remote desire to either. I'm sorry you paid $50 for WW in at EB Games!?

As for Elebits thats next on my list of games I want until the Heavy Duty games like Super Mariow Galaxy, Brawl, and Prince of Persia come out. I've heard its a great game and I love the videos for it so far. However I'm afraid it might get repetitive after a while. Hopefully I'm wrong though.

PS How short is "short" to the earlier guy? And could u clarify the levels thing?
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Elebits wont ever be coming to Australia so don't get your hopes up but a came all Elledees or something like that is coming that is exactly the same no difference im sorry (yes im being stupid except about the name the name is elledees now)
yeh i also thought that wario ware sucked, fun for like 3 hours(slightly) then it gets boring, and the multi player is really bad aswell..
hay do you know when elebits/eledees is coming out in australia?
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Sam_Harris said:
Elebits wont ever be coming to Australia so don't get your hopes up but a came all Elledees or something like that is coming that is exactly the same no difference im sorry (yes im being stupid except about the name the name is elledees now)

well the thing is mr harris i was in eb games just 2 days ago
and in the coming soon section was a game called elebits not eledees

so it is coming to Australia soon :ciappa:


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