Neo Geo Games on VC

And more side scrolling shooters.... blah i'm not really excited about this. i researched Neo Geo's collection ,and its nothing reallly good aside from Metal Slug ,and Blue's Journey unless you are a huge fighting ,or side scrolling shooter fan.
Capt Elmer said:

"Heavy Machine Gun!"

Just get the ms collection

But Garou mark of wolfs ftw
wait a second! does that mean a couple of aerofighters games for the Neo-geo are made by SNK themselves?
No I'm pretty sure this is true I've read it in many places
So this is for real? Thats awesome, One question tho, I guess we'll be storing the games on SD cards, I remember NEO GEO games being 200 to 250 MB, thats almost half the Wiis storage right there. Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyways I'm looking forward to playing The King Of The Fighters series again, Samurai Showdown, Art of Fighting and the like, I'd like to play through Magician Lord again too. Since we're on the subject does any one remember Sengoku? It was a side scrolling fighter where you could transform in to a shogun and a wolf and such, it was bad ass, Had a really good soundtrack too.
WiiZero said:
No I'm pretty sure this is true I've read it in many places
what do you mean wiizero? SNK published these two neo-geo sequels w/ the help of video system (the creators of the 1992 original,aerofighters) back in 1994 and 1995 respectively.

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