DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 Nov 14, 2007 #16 I think there remakeing KOF 98 in the same mold as KOF 94
R Ravishek WiiChat Member Nov 14, 2007 27 0 Ny Wii Online Code 8622-0992-1304-4247 Nov 14, 2007 #17 either way it would be nice to have a kof game
DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 Nov 14, 2007 #18 Well there are the KOF games out on PS2/XBOX (get a hold of a street fighter pad to play them propely And I recently found out that the Street fighter anniversary pack works on 360 STREET FIGHTER 3 THIRD STRIKE HERE I COME
Well there are the KOF games out on PS2/XBOX (get a hold of a street fighter pad to play them propely And I recently found out that the Street fighter anniversary pack works on 360 STREET FIGHTER 3 THIRD STRIKE HERE I COME
R Ravishek WiiChat Member Nov 14, 2007 27 0 Ny Wii Online Code 8622-0992-1304-4247 Nov 14, 2007 #19 Very true but for some reason i prefer them from the neo just something more orignal not to say the ps2 and xbox versions are bad.
Very true but for some reason i prefer them from the neo just something more orignal not to say the ps2 and xbox versions are bad.
DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 Nov 14, 2007 #20 There is the Neogeo style arrcade stick But finding one is a prob
T TennisLord WiiChat Member Nov 15, 2007 110 1 Nov 15, 2007 #21 I don't know too much about what games were good on the neo geo. Plus there are compilations of some of those series on the wii(metal slug anthology), those are a much better deal than vc games. Plus they don't take up channel spaces
I don't know too much about what games were good on the neo geo. Plus there are compilations of some of those series on the wii(metal slug anthology), those are a much better deal than vc games. Plus they don't take up channel spaces
DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 Nov 16, 2007 #22 Well just ask us if your unsure if a games any good on it