Need wireless router help


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2006
So I'm trying to use my wireless router again in the anticipation of getting a Wii soon, but I can't remember how to get it to work. I currently have my internet going from my modem to the router, to the computer (all wired). I can access the internet on my computer just fine, but I cannot get into the setup of my router. For some reason, my IP is set at 67.186.***.*** and not the usual . When I try and access my router with the latter IP address, it won't access it. I've tried to set my IP address as the and it tells me that address is currently being utilized.

Anyone know what I need to do to get into the router settings and allow my future Wii to access the router/internet?

By the way, I'm using an old D-link (Dl-614+) it is a B and not a G.
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Thanks. I just used the angryip scanner and it came up with the 67.208....... IP address. That's the only one listed. So how do I get my IP address back to the address so I can get into my router?
Find your Dlink Manual or go to the Dlink site to get the manual.
Also, it might be good idea to get the lastest firmware for your Router from Dlink.
Since, it looks like you are totally lost it might be easier to start from scratch by resetting. I think you poke the reset hole for 10 secs and all the lights in the front should light up.
Make sure your ISP is plugged into the wan port.
Your computer is plugged into 1 of the Lan 1-4 ports.
Your computer be assigned an IP from the router.
From Internet explorer type in your gateway (check network settings)
this will get into your router.
First reset the default password and if you are not sure how to setup anything, follow the wizard.

Are you using DHCP, plug into your modem and it works or
ARe you using PPPoE, have to login into your ISP for internet access?
Try unplug and replug everything to reset.
Goto your computer network settings and find the Gateway.
Goto DOS type ipconfig, you should get gateway
The gateway address is the address to your Router.
In Internet explorer, type in the gateway address to get to your router.

Best to update firmware for router to get optimal performance!

bodtchboy said:
For some reason, my IP is set at 67.186.***.*** and not the usual . When I try and access my router with the latter IP address, it won't access it. I've tried to set my IP address as the and it tells me that address is currently being utilized.
How do you know your IP is set to?

Go to Start > Run....then type CMD
then in the black window type ipconfig
then hit enter. if your ip shows 67.x.x.x router not set up right.

SO if the above is true.....

UNplug the modem from the router, Plug All computers in the house to Router, Port 1-4.

Open Start > Run > Type CMD hit enter.
type > ipconfig /release
Enter then
ipconfig /renew

then you should type ipconfig enter, and you should have a 192 address. If not RESET your router, and do the above again.

Once that is done and set up, plug in your modem, if cable, you should automaticly work, if DSL enter the PPOE information in.....and reset your wireless network.

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