i need help please

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  • #16
wii sports looks amazin! i was readin that ppl have been gettin injured playin it, like throwin their controllers into the tv etc :O

sorry for double posting
jess said:
wii sports looks amazin! i was readin that ppl have been gettin injured playin it, like throwin their controllers into the tv etc :O
Those who do that are called, "Wiily Wiilly stupid", lol. You have to be a total baffoon to do that, or do it on purpose. :crazy:
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  • #18
yeh i no!.. cant wait til mario comes out on the 26th! looks really good
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  • #21
thats wat i read on the website.. it said its out the 26th December 2006 'super mario galaxy'
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  • #26
ok thanks spidey

where do i find out my wii friend code?..
goin offline now, need my sleep lol :sleep: ! will be back on Sunday, cos goin london!
thanks every1 for ur help..
Speak soon
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i dont think people that the controllers slip out of there hands are willy willy stupid if you think that then fucq you bich ..my 5 year old son sometymes go over board in wii sports like in baseball when he swings for hit the ball the hand strap just slipps off his hands and wii the remote goes flying lol once again fuq you for saying that *****
how do i get on the wii shop?
i meen how do i connect it to the internet?
thanks 4 replyin

It's pretty intuitive and you'll figure it out once you set your Wii up.

if you think that then fucq you bich
I pray someone else is teaching your kid to spell.
nizmoboy98 said:
i dont think people that the controllers slip out of there hands are willy willy stupid if you think that then fucq you bich ..my 5 year old son sometymes go over board in wii sports like in baseball when he swings for hit the ball the hand strap just slipps off his hands and wii the remote goes flying lol once again fuq you for saying that *****

Have to agree with mothershipconnection here, maybe being "wiilly wiily stupid" is hereditary?

of course a 5 year old would not be called stupid if he was playing an awesome game and let go of the remote by accident, but say a 30 year old playing same said game? Wiilly wiilly stupid indeed.

Anyway, Jessica, next time you have a question, make sure to look around the forum first, before making a post or a thread. Theres a nifty little tool called "Search" where you type in whatever you're thinking about, and it returns threads that might have it. So if you have questions about finding out your Wii friend code, just type in "Wii friend code", and low and behold, if you go down to the 6th result (for me), you get a nifty little thread called Wii Online FAQ that answers your own very question!!

So learn to use the Search tool, it will soon become your best friend :p

-SpideyKonfusion :frown2:
im sorry for that post shouldve watch my language lol but yeah he did that i was like wow he. was scared that i was ganna scold him for that dunno why i can always buy another one plus seeing your kid having that kind of fun is price less even when you think back at when you were his age and think what you were doin..even if your challenging him lol. but like spidy said if your older and do that now thas kind of off

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