Need Recommendations


Confiscation of the Mind
Oct 21, 2007
Wii Online Code
I'm going to get my first VC games soon and I need suggestions.
My favorite genres are shooters and rpg's/adventure.

I was thinking Ocarina of Time, since i've never played it, or some older LoZ games.
Then again there always Mario.

Paper Mario is a sweeeeet game, it was my first vc game... real fun. I'd recommend that, and also Ocarina of Time, it's a classic.

I just got Super Metroid and Castlevania II but havent played those much yet.
yea go with LOZOoT, it's a really great game. it seems like it lasts forever yet it never seems to get boring.
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Kool, ill probably go with Ocarina of Time first (since im playing Super Paper Mario right now), Then Super Metroid, then probably one of the Mario Bros.
i say gunstar heroes...

those are just some simple kick ass fun especially when u have a 2nd player to play with
I will go so far to say pick every Zelda game on the list. Pick up Mario 64 too. It was voted one of the 5 best games ever made. As for shooters hold out for Turok 1,2, Rage Wars. 3 was crap. Also try out BoF 2, and Ogre Battle. Unless you can acquire the PS1 version of Ogre Battle.

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