Need opinions on these wii games


WiiChat Member
Mar 26, 2007
I have been considering buying Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 for wii. Any good? Any gripes? Is it worth the money?

Also, I have been considering Acme Arsenal. Is it fun? boring? tell me as much about this game as you all can. can you play as all the different looney tune characters? Ive had my eye on this game for awhile. let me know all.

One more...Mario Strikers Charged. Im not much of a soccer fan, BUT...this looks like a fun multiplayer game. tell me about this one. are there lots of different power ups/abilities? does the game keep you interested? anything to unlock? different fields to play on? how many playable characters are there? and do they all play alike, or have differences in play style? I wanna hear the ups and downs on this.

Thanks everyone! I appreciate the feedback
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I can't stand soccer. Strikers is to soccer what dodgeball is to chess.
Definately one of my favorite games.

Only masochists should even rent Acme Arsenal, and you'll still need a safety word.
i only have strikers but its a kick ass game
there are characters and places to unlock but there all unlocked with online

theres captains with specific power ups
mario gets big
wario farts poison
bowser breaths fire

and then their are 3 sidekicks u pick and all the goalies are the croc from dk country

they have different abilitys but there about the same
more speed less something else or overall even each character can be set according to your playing style like fast team or a better defensive team or a mix with a captain having a characteristic and ur sidekicks having different ones
it has 1 or 2 for online and 1 -4 multi player
and a story mode that lets u win cups and stuff
theres even a decent tutorial
a few different fields with a different environment
one might have a electric fence around it and another will have no wall and you can fall off or have flying things blow through the field pushing you off to
theres a bunch of characters yoshi, mario, lugie, walugie, princes, peach, bowser, dk, diddy, the flower thingy from mario and i donno theres a bunch
and side characters too
the online is competitive but fun
highly recommended
i actually just picked up mario strikers charged a few hours ago. haven't gotten around to really playing it though. hopefully i'll end up liking it.
I would definately recommend Mario Strikers Charged. It has very fun, fast and addicting game play.
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Smackdown is a pile of **** do not buy! :lol: it got rated like 4/10 you expect it to be a good game? hell no

There hasn't been a decent wrestling game since the AKI days!
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2008

Game is good for the first or two hours of play , then it gets very repetitive and boring
buy strikers and as an added bonus buy medal of honor heroes 2. trust me ull like it
Smackdown vs Raw 2008 for the Wii is brutal.
Seriously don't go pick that one up.

5 Match types, no story mode and only steel chairs as weapons.
I could go on, but I am sure you get the idea.

Strikers Charged is a good game to get though, pick that one up.
There hasn't been a decent wrestling game since the AKI days![/QUOTE]amen to that

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