Need help transferring data from one Wii to another


WiiChat Member
Aug 8, 2009
Hi everyone,

I hope I'm posting this in the right section. My husband and I just bought ourselves a new red Wii to replace our original white Wii, which we have had since the summer of 2007, so we have a TON of data on it that we are hoping to be able to transfer over to our new red Wii. We have been into data management and we were able to copy almost all of our game data and virtual console games to an SD card, but for some reason it wouldn't allow us to copy any of our original NES virtual console games, like Mario 1-3, Yoshi, Blades of Steel, and a couple of others that we downloaded from the Wii shop a long time ago, probably when we first got the Wii. The copy option was all grayed out for those games. It copied all of our SNES, Sega Genesis, and N64 virtual console games just fine without any problems, but the copy option isn't available for the original NES games. We have no idea why! Can anyone help me with this? Also, is there a way to save all of our Miis to the SD card? We couldn't find an option for that under data management and we really don't want to lose all of our Miis. We have a lot of them!

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! :smile5:
Was there some kind of message because the NES games couldn't be copied? Or a error code?

And with the Mii's. U can actually save them on your Wii Remote :). Try it at the Mii Channel.
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No error message at all with the original NES VC games. The copy button was just all grayed out and it wouldn't let us copy them to the SD card. Very strange!

Thanks for the info about saving the Miis! I think I once knew that a long time ago, but totally forgot about it! I'll have to go try it! Thanks so much!

Now, if anyone knows why we can't copy our original NES VC games to the SD card, that would be great! :wink:
I know Why some Game Data Allows Saves, but not all.

NES try redownloading you Games with the same Console. Because your games are the older Versions which did not allow transfering. I have Mario 1-3 in my SD Card.

Memory Data
NES, SNES, and possibly other Game System Games do not allow Data Copy or Transfer due to 'Suspension Play'. N64 Games do because 'Suspension Play' was not needed.

Wii Games like Wi-Fi don't allow Memory Data Transfer because Nintendo fear Consumers may tamper with their stats or other material through their SD Memory Data. AKA Hackers.

I hope you know, You cannot transfer games you've purchused from one Wii to another Wii, regardless if its yours.
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I emailed them what they do with a consumer wanting to Data transfer their purchuses from one Wii to another.
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