Need advice talking to a girl.

gh05t said:
okay i learned this from south park. take her to a nice dinner then ask her to have sex. i think thats logical hahahah
try REALLY hard to be confident cuz that usually helps.also do little things that arent obvious. if you eat lunch with her throw away her tray open doors for her simple things like that. and if your decently funny(lol) make her laugh. be flirty and DONT BE NERVOUS!!!!

Lol, loved that.

I wouldn't ask her out to any place. Then you'd have to ask someone to drive you, which feels pretty childish. Just hang out with her a lot.

Monsteroids said:
Be bold, talk smooth, and don't let her see a single bit of nervousness. Its all you bud! Go to a movie ya both want. Then some coffee another day and maybe dinner another. Listen to her, say an honest but mainly agreeable response to her and if she wants to hear you then go for it. If she turns you down first time then wait a while pay attention to news about her and see if theres a way to better yourself when more people come in your life. Wow, I am so bored... Good luck don't be a fool!

And of course, ignore all of that.
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Lol, don't take her to dinner.

At this point I would just hang out at each others' houses, because having a parent drive you somewhere for a date is fairly embarresing.
Act like a coward and get a friend to ask for you and then if she says no, no big deal, if she says yes, jump for joy. That's worked for me.
LevesqueIsKing said:
Lol, don't take her to dinner.

At this point I would just hang out at each others' houses
, because having a parent drive you somewhere for a date is fairly embarresing.

I'm same age as him and having a girl at my house or even mentioning one to parents would be so awkward I would cry all night in a corner, maybe it's just that my family is odd. The milkman didn't help either.
Funny thread!

I think if you kept all the posts with advice from people who had actually talked to a girl, and discarded the rest, there'd be about 3 or 4 remaining (including +this+ one), hahahaha!
If you guys do go out on a date be sure to complain to her that she doesn't love you enough.

xD I've got you covered, bro.
our little boy is finally growing up eh? well you should just take everything calmly. handle the situations as they come. and try to make sure that the girl has a good time. as obi wan would say it, use the force, anakin