Need A Wii NunChuck? Look here...UK!


WiiChat Member
Nov 30, 2006
Wii Online Code
I was just browsing, looking for a nunchuck and found that Game stores are getting 10 in around 2-3 days, i've purchased 1 that I need. And I looked again and now it says 9 in availability, so there is only 9 left and you should have bye 5 days.

If Nunchucks are as rare as everyone makes out then i guess this is a good here is the link
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Now it currently says 8 left! So if you've been looking for them they're going fast :p
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lol yeah a lot of suppliers have had them in recently (wii's) it's just i heard people saying nunchucks are impossible to get, so i thought I might aswel try help out
Yeah, around here you cant really find Nunchuks or Wiimotes. Systems are hard to find too.
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Yeah ok guys thanks for the feedback, I guess this thread is for people who arnt in the areas where you can get them easily.

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