
Never watched Naruto except for a few clips on Youtube, and an endless amount of AMV's for it.. Though i never understood why it's often compared to that of Dragonball Z, it looks like a Pokemon (no offense).

Seems to be the talk of the town, so I'll probably have to check it out and see what all the fuss is about.
Gikoku said:
Never watched Naruto except for a few clips on Youtube, and an endless amount of AMV's for it.. Though i never understood why it's often compared to that of Dragonball Z, it looks like a Pokemon (no offense).

Seems to be the talk of the town, so I'll probably have to check it out and see what all the fuss is about.

AMVs they allways have craprock in the background
I think DBZ is compared to Bleach cause it's basically the main character getting energy from deep within them selfs when they gets angry. Or is that all anime? :wtf:
i get confused about all this crap going round about obito,tobi and madara uchiha
i try not to worry myself about it
althought the signs pein is giving off is well frustrating.
Damn writers extending naruto fght scenes when in the manga its like 5 piccys then boom onto sasuke xDDD
JerryC said:
Id say Bleach is more like DBZ than Naruto .
i agree Dbz and Bleach both have similar drawing styles aswell. Whereas Naruto tends to draw less muscles and bigger eyes-naruto himself is an example.Plus i don't think there is any character that is shown muscly cept for that guy who used to be iruka's friend[[forgot his name]] who took some of orochimarus power intensifying potion thingy xD.
Deepfry said:
i dont really watch Naruto...its all about Avatar: The Last Air Bender best Show ever!

Watch much anime then ?
(Avatar is not anime)
i was wrong...i'm a silly bumbum.

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