Name and Shame 'em!

i dont think thissl go down well, im with virgin media and they fu**ed up our internet and it disconnects loads
virgin crap.

bonodo said:
i dont think thissl go down well, im with virgin media and they fu**ed up our internet and it disconnects loads

i'm with them 2 it's quite bad [the internet].
actually im not the only thats had the glitch my batteries were at full but it just didnt work the a guy i played with had the same problem as well its very rare though
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  • #26
Beat some guy called Eddie there, beat him in the 1st game 12-1 then i scored in the last second in the 2nd game to win it and he disconnected!
Its lame, but also quite funny how upset these ppl get cos they get beat in a computer game!
it is, I cant imagine how vain you've got to be to be upset that your profile says "L:1", whats the point in having scores anyway if theyre not accurate, they should give it up and go back to living in their dreamland.
I've been trying to figure out who the culprit is in a disconnection. My DS WiFi connection is shaky at best, and at first I thought my connection was to blame when I was getting the 'Connection Lost' errors mid-game, but I get the same error when someone clearly disconnects on me.

My question is is the error message different when it's yourself or your opponent who disconnects, or does the game not assign blame and instead lets you assume you're just too good and the other person left out of shame?
wow.. ive had like 30 games and NO1 has disconnected, even in the 1's i own in..

o btw if maybe you updated this thread with the names of the people who are disconnecting this might get stickyd coz we could check on this thread before starting the match
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