Mystery DokiDoki Theatre


Casually Hardcore
Sep 18, 2007
I've been playing Milon's DokiDoki Adventure the last few days and I must say this is a great game. Very fun yet hard enough to curse at every so often. Secrets and mini games hidden throughout.

The one thing is only 4 or 5 things were translated, like the Password screen and a sign at the end of some levels. You come across cut scenes and houses where the locals speak Japanese and even the menus aren't translated. Did I just start the game, or choose the Password screen?

I have taken to adding my own story and dialog similar to MST3K. It's all fun and good. I'm on the third world after defeating evil cake land and it's Monkey overlord.

Anyone else enjoying this game? One of the more interesting platformers I have played in a while.
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Adamquest64 said:
Never heard of this. Is it like Milon's Secret Castle?

It's the sequil to Milon's Secret Castle. It was previously only released in Japan so being able to play it at all (legall) in America is great. It's not very much like the original and more of a platformer. Mario/Sonic style with good graphics and entertaining levels. Most levels are open exploration with no timer. I ran across one level so far with a forced-moving scroll.
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Not very many DokiDoki soldiers around here.

Here's a video of the VC version to generate some interest. It's the first couple levels. The first 3 don't do it much justice and are more trainer levels, they're very easy. The wind level is where it starts to get harder. Gives you a basic feel of how the game is. Each world apparently has a theme, first is plant/forest, second is cake/snacks and third is a musical castle which I am currently on. Pretty interesting to watch the changes with each world.

I just watched that video. It actually looks pretty cool. I think this could be my next VC purchase when it comes to Europe.

Blimey, I never thought I'd say that I would actually want to play a sequel to the crap-tacular Milon's Secret Castle.
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Napalmbrain said:
I just watched that video. It actually looks pretty cool. I think this could be my next VC purchase when it comes to Europe.

Blimey, I never thought I'd say that I would actually want to play a sequel to the crap-tacular Milon's Secret Castle.

It's pretty addicting and I want to practice Japanese so I know what they're saying. I swear the dude was telling me his wife would blow my bubbles if I found some magical instrument. Alas, that wasn't it.

If I have enough points left over after buying Cruis'n this week I can possibly gift it your way so you can play it early. If that's possible.
sirgrim said:
It's pretty addicting and I want to practice Japanese so I know what they're saying. I swear the dude was telling me his wife would blow my bubbles if I found some magical instrument. Alas, that wasn't it.

If I have enough points left over after buying Cruis'n this week I can possibly gift it your way so you can play it early. If that's possible.

Sorry, can't gift across the Atlantic. But thanks, I appreciate the gesture.
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Napalmbrain said:
Sorry, can't gift across the Atlantic. But thanks, I appreciate the gesture.

Well that's a bummer. I guess the European swallow doesn't travel this far or it's difficult to grasp a VC title by the husk.

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