Pizzaboys' full length review on 3 VC titles


Aliens Exist
Feb 8, 2007
Hey all, I'm hoping to come out with these every week about VC games and which to get and which not to get, such and such, etc etc yadda yadda. So I'm just going to go for it and you guys can give me constructive critiscm.

Game number 1 Gunstar Heroes

Side Scrolling action/shooter

Gunstar heroes is a fantastic game to say the least. It was released on the sega genesis and did not sell well in the U.S. I believe. Single player mode is a blast but co-op with a best buddy is where this game shines. With customizable features such as fixed shooting, free shooting, four different gems(shoot through enemies, close range dmg, shots follow enemies, and rapid shoot) with TWO gem slots to mix and match to create even MORE abilites, this game supplies a good amount of fun. :thumbsup:

Some negative aspects of the game was that sometimes the translations can get a little wierd. I.E. in the "Dice Room" if you land on the item room it says "Happy Item Room" which is defiantly some sort of sexual innuendo waiting to happen if I've ever heard one. Also "Boss Battles" happen rapidly throughout the game, and most of these "Boss Battles" are just battles against a slightly hard enemy that doesn't really challenge you at all. Finally the last negative thing about this game is that at points it can be completly easy and others very challenging.

I use the regular old wiimote for this game and its quite comfortable, although my hands are small so it may skew my opinion. I have no idea about the GCN or Classic controls with this game.

9.0 out of 10

This game is amazing and I reccomend everyone who likes sidescrolling shooters and/or awesome classic games to get it. I found it to be a bit like metal slug also.

Super Mario Bros.

This game for the most part was originally packaged with duck hunt for the NES. As with pretty much all of the VC titles the game remains virtually unchanged. I (again) use the regular wiimote and no problem at all playing with it.

The first negative about this game is simple, it is a dated game. Many people have beaten it and it does lack features of sidescrollers that copied its godlike style. Other than that, it's about it.

The Pro's are that it's still an amazing game! I have so much fun playing it and it's always a nice rest to play after 6 hours of Zelda or Wii Sports. Although I would like a Super Mario 3 on the VC it hasn't happened, but this game is still awesome. I reccomend getting it because of how fun it is and because it's defiantly something you want for your "collection" of VC titles


Victory Run

My third and final game I will review is victory run. Lemme start with this.

This. Game. Sucks.

If by victory run they meant run to utter crap, then sure, it's "Victory" run

This game was released on the TurboGfrx and was very bad. I'm not sure if i'm the only one who thinks this but I am appalled to see such a bad game on the VC. First off, the view of racing the car is terrible. I don't care if you came out on the atari, the view makes the gameplay terrible. The second thing is the "innovation" of buying wheels, suspension, brakes etc. just plain doesn't make sense. Changing gears back and forth is tedious and the game is very repetitive. I would not reccomend getting this game at all it is very terrible. The only positive parts of the game is that it was alright fun for about 15 minutes....tops.


Please give me constructive critiscm and I will be reviewing games that come out the day after they do, although I'm in the U.S. so it may be late, but I started with these because I think there either really strong or really bad. You know which ones..obviously...
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i know i thought i start with the older ones and then the next one will be the day after they come out or so

although in us its monday :(

i just wanted to get out there

well hey, i actually found the gunstar heroes review pretty helpful. It was on my list of potential VC titles to check out. i hadn't heard much about it (and admittedly haven't looked very hard for a review), but your review is solid enough to convince me to give it a try. thanks much!
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