My wii only works when it feels like it


WiiChat Member
Jun 21, 2010
Ok, I got a pretty old from around when it came out and it only works when when it feels like it.

I bought super mario galaxy two a few days ago, a brand new copy of it. Sometimes when i put it in my wii it starts up no problem and plays the game smooth with very little loading time, and sometimes me wii makes a **** load of noise and takes a really long time loading in between levels and when going to different areas, and i mean a damned long time. Probably 2-3 minutes of just that white cloudy screen from when mario jumps into a new galaxy.

Same thing with zelda, sometimes it'll go a-ok and other times it'll take like 20 seconds to just freeze and load everything when i go from room to room in a dungeon.

Sometimes, when i start up a game from the wii menu it'll go that black screen and make a bunch of chunky noise for awhile and say it can't read the disc.

Just what the hell is going on with my wii?
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Ok, thank you very much sir.

I was doing some research and if deleting some of the blocks doesn't work I'm gonna try the wii lens cleaning kit, I've heard good things about it.
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woah the guy i bought my wii off had alot of useless data on it... I cleared 2000+ blocks and updated it to the latest version.

I think it worked! I popped in zelda and its running fine and the machine is making very little noise, cheers man!
I still have that prob

The same thing with mine I played COD MWR and suddenly it says Cannot Read Disc ETC. I bang/hit it works after 10 or more mins. it does the samething.

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