My Wii Died

ToadIsDoingMagicMushrooms said:
Anyway i can update it without going through the internet on my Wii

e.g. Store the update on a SD card and install from it?


Most recent consoles and handhelds contain the firmware upgrades on game discs. Wich it will automatically install. One of the updates IS activating the SD card slot. My Wii contained a yellow piece of paper saying to use the SD card you must connect to the internet and upgrade. It then goes to mention the update will be on game discs next year (i believe it said after April).
Updated my wii at 02.00hrs 08/12/06 and it was fine and didnt brick, maybe your wii was just faulty.

whats the point in not updating your wii, if it's gonna brick wouldnt you prefer to know sooner rather than later?
...For some reason, it sounds like it was your fault you couldn't get it to work.
why do people always say the updates kill their systems. Its so illogical.

Do you really think nintendo is going to put out updates to break systems?.
ToadIsDoingMagicMushrooms said:
I've just heard that most people who connected to teh internet and downloaded the update found that their Wii dies!


Yes my first Wii did that but after a while I was able to get it to boot to the menu where I erased the hard drive and redownloaded the updates.
Out of the 4 people i waited with at Wal Mart. My one friends Wii died due to Firmware updating. It does happen but it probably wont anymore because it only dealt with the launch systems
Redan499 said:
Out of the 4 people i waited with at Wal Mart. My one friends Wii died due to Firmware updating. It does happen but it probably wont anymore because it only dealt with the launch systems

unless of user error.. such as unplugging the system while updating... Comon' people who wants to test that theory.
ToadIsDoingMagicMushrooms said:
Maybe but what about the UK?

Everyone knows games companies don't care about the UK!

How do you explain that it is only once this update is installed that these things happen?......................

Nah - it's fine! I've installed both updates, loaded up 2000 points, linked my account with my Nintendo VIP Club account, and downloaded Bomberman, which is AWESOME with 4 other people playing :)

Updates are absolutely fine in the EU/UK - if anyone bricks their Wii doing one, then it's going to be a hardware issue...
ToadIsDoingMagicMushrooms said:
I think I'll wait for the LAN adapter before connecting to t'internet.

you are one of the stupidest people in the world. nothing can happen to your wii if you try to update it. stop being such a f*ucking chicken and try it
Stickreid said:
you are one of the stupidest people in the world. nothing can happen to your wii if you try to update it. stop being such a f*ucking chicken and try it

Actually I said that because I haven't got wireless connection so suck on it mo'fo!

And if you did a bit of research you would see that a few consoles have actually f**ked up after downloading the firmware!

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I live in the UK and downloaded the updates soon as I got it set up. Took about 5 mins? no probs at all.

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