My Wii almost killed me!!!!

dbinder1987 said:
Ok well i just got done playin it one the big screen in the lobby (live on campus in dorms) and put the Wii on my bed becuase i was too lazy to hook it back up. about an hour later i go to put my PJ's on and pull my shorts off my bed, BANG! my wii fell to the floor. And when i say fell, i mean fell about 7 feet because my bed is lofted really high. It didnt almost hit me, its just the fact that i actually thought about killing myself if it was broken. I picked it up and the game cube controler door hinge was out but not broken. then i noticed that the plastic on the back where the 2 halfs meet was poped out a little so i had to try to pop that back in, took a screw driver to do it. i plugged it into my tv, and tested it out, what a relief, it worked! I made sure to try the game also just to make sure. The only real damage is that one of the corners has a slight smush mark, like the plastic got smushed and thers a litle flat spot where the edge should be. Im so glad it worked becuase i like life lol. Thank god Nintendo made it and not sony, if it was a ps3, i wouldhave shot everyone i could find as well as my self, becuase you know it would have been in a million pieces.

Oh please. Somebody needs to get out and get some sunshine...
same thing with me playin wii sports remote sliped smacked my head never will i swing the bowling ball/wii remote that hard again ouch!:mad2: