Wii New and Reviews
Just becuase its new does not mean they cant add stuff to it. Its the companies they need to stop rushing and wait a extra month or 2 put the system up with some good games, the online set up etc and they need to make more systems Im really tired of them being sold out they know its going to happen so make more than double than they have before. For the Wii I really dont get how it took them 5 years to make I mean its just a gamecube that has bigger disks I mean look the Graphics are almost the same, only a 512 hard drive and a sensor bar. That seems to soemthing that could have ready by last christmas and started making them in the beggining of 06 and had over 2 timnes more systems/remotes/downloadable games. But I mean why break the trend of not having the system 100% ready when it comes out? lol