my thoughts on wii games

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  • #16
i didnt say the games was not good i said they seem rushed with the lack of content, and if you read properly it wasnt me saying i couldnt read but then again i aint that good at reading:)
whitesnake said:
i didnt say the games was not good i said they seem rushed with the lack of content, and if you read properly it wasnt me saying i couldnt read but then again i aint that good at reading

whitesnake said:
no but i read reviews and look at what content it has, and hear ppl who have wiis or played it, it just feels this might be the strongest launch for nintendos console for a while, just a weak launch up of games incept for zelda which is a port, and i said my thoughts thats all

It looks like you have thoughts you would like to express, but I cannot read them?

yeah sure:lol:


Anyway, I don't judge how good content is or isn't until I have played them myself. Same goes for controls/graphics.
nintendo have made these games specificly to sell with the wii, they are crap games that are cheap to make and design and then they sell them for full price at launch so desperate wii-ers like us will buy them. just wait for ssbb mp3 and the mario games. i would'nt buy anything else
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  • #21
look further up and see who put it 1st i copyd and pasted it, all i am saying is that its a good console but the games are a little on the less content side, thats all i wanted to say peace ppl yesnod:
Dang, Whitesnake. I swear.

If you want to feel edumacated by reading reviews, stop, and start reading something like

Start with a senior editor's articulate review of the PS3

and follow it up with his continuation on the Wii and XBOX 360

The more you understand about the industry, how it works, why, how money moves around, the more you can actually get a picture as to what is going on, why EA sucks (but if they fail to support a console, that console dies), etcetera and so on.

Reading reviews, unless it's by Kasavin at GameSpot, or Penny-Arcade, is like asking a native american indian and a scott his thoughts on various kinds of liquour. Likely, your ability to take liqour or like it will vary, and regurgitating what they say is just silly.
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  • #24
all i think is that it should have extra content, or could have had a little more time with some games , like excite truck that looks a great game i just hear its not long enough, call of duty no mulityplayer, that was all
for every nintendo console i have had i have only bought 1st party developed games or exclusives. i just think games that are multi format always get made worse on the nintendo end for sum reason.
The Nintendo DS and Wii make Sony look stupid. I like waving my Wiimote because it's like a futuristic powerglove. You'd have to be retarded to believe otherwise.
im ashamed of you guys not knowing the diffrence in your games .... true enough the wiis graphics and controls on some games are lacking ....but if you remember the powerglove way back in the day you can see nintendo put the idea away for a good long time till they thoguht it was ready
without releasing it to us they dont know how to improve it ....we all play a diffrent way and nintendo wants to know how wii play so they can fine tune it
you guys need to understand that some of the games are not exclusive nintendo titles and therfore nintendo had very little to say about the game need for speed carbon
nintendo did not make this title ...but they allowed it to be put on there system ....therefore short of saying now we dont want it theres nothing they can do about the graphics or the controls
let me explain it this way blaming nintendo for all of the games faults is like trying to blame my bad typing skills on my modem the modem didnt mess me up it just relayed what was already done
there are some games that should be fixed ...but im thinking that will come in time as nintendo figures out how we play and what the controlls actully need to be
so before you get all bent out of shape realize this is revolutionary way to control a game and be tolerant of some of the bugs being worked out ...

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