My Sims vs. The Sims2: Pets


WiiChat Member
Feb 12, 2007
Hi all,

I am looking for a game for my wife, and can't really decide between "My Sims" and "The Sims 2: Pets".

On one hand my wife would prefer a cute game with nice graphics, so from the reviews I've read it looks like 'My Sims' is the better choice, since it is usually described as being very cute (or even too cute, which would be fine).

But then (again from reviews) it appears that 'My Sims' has a more structured/linear game play (you get a task, you fulfill it, and then you get another task ... ), and not the more open or unstructured game play 'The Sims' apparently has - and my wife would like that better.

So, to me it's a bit of a puzzle: can "The Sims" be cute, or "My Sims" more unstructured or free? We haven't played any Sims games before, so both games would be new.

Has anyone played both games and can share some thoughts, or compare them? Any comments appreciated!

Thanks a lot !
my g/f loves the sims on the computer but she hates mysims cause your very limited in what you do. I'm planning to buy the sims 2: castaway because its not too cute and this has a more structured gameplay. comes out oct. 22 so we got couple weeks but it will be worth it. if you can't wait that long then get sims pets.

Sims 2: Castaway;title;3
hiker said:
Hi all,

I am looking for a game for my wife, and can't really decide between "My Sims" and "The Sims 2: Pets".

On one hand my wife would prefer a cute game with nice graphics, so from the reviews I've read it looks like 'My Sims' is the better choice, since it is usually described as being very cute (or even too cute, which would be fine).

But then (again from reviews) it appears that 'My Sims' has a more structured/linear game play (you get a task, you fulfill it, and then you get another task ... ), and not the more open or unstructured game play 'The Sims' apparently has - and my wife would like that better.

So, to me it's a bit of a puzzle: can "The Sims" be cute, or "My Sims" more unstructured or free? We haven't played any Sims games before, so both games would be new.

Has anyone played both games and can share some thoughts, or compare them? Any comments appreciated!

Thanks a lot !

I can give you plenty of insight. Mysims is a free game and you can do many things. Though, it was geared towards young kids, which is why you have less things to worrk about in Mysims (like movties: Sleeping, eatings,bathroom). Yet, the game gest complex and there is more to it than just building things. It grows on you emotionally when you meet the different personalities on there and go to different places.

The sims pets. Well, you have more things to do in this. You can have the option of having pets or not. You can just live your life as a sim and do more things than you can in Mysims. Yet, you are worrying about everything with your sims as you would in real life. This would pose as a more challenge for your wife, as mysims is more laid back and you can do the tasks WHEN YOU DARN WELL want to and you can decline a task if DONT want to do it. Its all choice with that game. Its cute and entertaining and there are plenty of suprises. I own ALL of the sims ever made and I can tell you that you wife will make NO wrong choice no matter which she chooses. I would get Sims Pets since from what you have stated, you wife likes to see more interactions. So, Sims Pets for you wife. If you have anymore questions, message me,ok? ^__^*
Yeah Mysims is sort of different from the pc sims in that you dont worry about all the "real life" things. I think you're wife wants that if I understand youre post ;)
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Dear Renz, Essence, cyberzomby,

thank you very much for your quick replies, highly appreciated!

Renz: sims 2: castaway sounds like an interesting game, but probably more for me, not for my wife - sounds too much like 'Lost', which she hates :wink:

Essence and CyberZomby, I think your statements about mysims '... is more laid back', 'the game gets complex and there is more to it than just building things' and 'dont worry about all the "real life" things' probably tripped the balance in favour of MySims: I think (can't ask my wife, it's a surprise :aureola: ) that she would prefer the laid back approach, as long as it doesn't get too boring. So I guess I'll start with MySims, it appears to give a nice, not too complex, but challenging enough introduction to the series - and I can find out if the game idea appeals to her. I know that you actually recommended Sims 2, Essence, but it's obviously very difficult to describe a person in a posting, and your comments on both games made it actually quite obvious for me.

Thanks a lot for your help! I might post some additional comments for others after some experience with the game :wink:

hiker said:
Dear Renz, Essence, cyberzomby,

thank you very much for your quick replies, highly appreciated!

Renz: sims 2: castaway sounds like an interesting game, but probably more for me, not for my wife - sounds too much like 'Lost', which she hates :wink:

Essence and CyberZomby, I think your statements about mysims '... is more laid back', 'the game gets complex and there is more to it than just building things' and 'dont worry about all the "real life" things' probably tripped the balance in favour of MySims: I think (can't ask my wife, it's a surprise :aureola: ) that she would prefer the laid back approach, as long as it doesn't get too boring. So I guess I'll start with MySims, it appears to give a nice, not too complex, but challenging enough introduction to the series - and I can find out if the game idea appeals to her. I know that you actually recommended Sims 2, Essence, but it's obviously very difficult to describe a person in a posting, and your comments on both games made it actually quite obvious for me.

Thanks a lot for your help! I might post some additional comments for others after some experience with the game :wink:


Hiker, since you need some more info on MySims, check out my video I did on the game play of the first few minutes. I inform alot of information! So, take a minute and watch and let me know what you think!
i would go with MySims also, because i don't think there was a whole lot of thought put into the Sims 2 Pets. I haven't played that game, so i'm not sure, but a traditional Sims game would probably be better for the PC. I haven't played a lot of MySims yet, because i haven't had much time on my hands the last couple of weeks, but what i have played, i've enjoyed.
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Hi Essence,

Essence said:
Hiker, since you need some more info on MySims, check out my video I did on the game play of the first few minutes.
whow - that's professionally made. I liked the style, very nice.

Gee, that game is indeed cute - perhaps I should keep it for myself :) I am sure my wife is going to love it.

Thanks a lot!
hiker said:
Hi Essence,

whow - that's professionally made. I liked the style, very nice.

Gee, that game is indeed cute - perhaps I should keep it for myself :) I am sure my wife is going to love it.

Thanks a lot!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! A job well done from your neighborhood MySimmer! ^__~* Heheh!
i would say my sims, its have better gameplay, it have alot more things to do aswell

even tho i didnt like my sims, ill go with it
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Hi all,

thanks for all the feedback. I got My Sims, and while my wife hasn't had the time to play it a lot, she was quite happy about it. I obviously can't compare My Sims with Sims 2, so I can't answer my original question :) But part of the reason that my wife likes My Sims is the sheer cuteness of it :D

Thanks a lot!
hiker said:
Hi all,

thanks for all the feedback. I got My Sims, and while my wife hasn't had the time to play it a lot, she was quite happy about it. I obviously can't compare My Sims with Sims 2, so I can't answer my original question :) But part of the reason that my wife likes My Sims is the sheer cuteness of it :D

Thanks a lot!

Thats wonderful! I am so glad you enjoy it! Makes me a happy simmer! ^__^*
well i have to say i prefer the simplicity of MYSIMS over the other sims games, its also great fun

as a proud 1 day owner of mysime (lol) i say my sims

playtime 8h:44m

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