My Sims or Metroid Prime 3?


Mario Fanatic
Feb 7, 2007
Flipside or flopside
Well, I'm sure I can find some gift cards in my room (my room looks like a tornado hit it) and I have come to a problem: get My Sims or Metroid Prime 3? I liked Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and really liked Animal Crossing, and The Sims was good, as I heard My Sims is kinda like Animal Crossing. So what should I get? Animal Crossing is one of my favorite games, and Metroid Prime 2 was fun. So what are the ups and downs of both games? Please don't say bad things about My Sims for it's new look. So I need to know the ups and downs of both games.
I can't say from my own experience, I've never played ether. I can concluded from what I've read and heard though, that MP3 should be bought over My Sims.
I've played through a bunch of MP3 and I think it's one of the best games I've played in a long time. Haven't played MySims so I can't say. All I know is that MP3 is a great game.
well go see which one is available, one will most likely be sold out, then its meant to be. if both are in stock then flip a coin. it really depends on your interest. mp3 got really good reviews and my sims got not so good but fair score. so if you go by rating then get mp3, but you might like my sims if your really into that stuff. I really wouldn't rely on other peoples opinions you really gotta choose for yourself, I hope you understand what I'm getting at. good luck!
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If I find some gift cards in my room, I think I'll get Metroid Prime 3. It did get a 10.0 in Nintendo Power. Plus someone I know said it was really fun. So I think I'll get Metroid Prime 3 if I can find some gift cards.

Oh, also I can only get one game. I'm saving my money for somthing I'll be working on soon. It's kinda like a project (If you would call it that)
Zelda and Metroid are the best games on the Wii. In that order. MySims, however, is a mediocre attempt at making a "cutesy-wutesy" Sims spin-off. And so I hear, MySims is not at all like Animal Crossing or other Sims games.

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